This can only mean one thing, we're where I want to be.

I take gentle steps backwards and back myself up against a tree. Axel follows me and hides behind bushes.

"There." I whisper, pointing at a camp fire. Logs of wood are stacked near by to keep the fire going, but I see no people.

"Where are they?" Axel whispers back to me, looking frightened but at the same time ready to fight.

I look back between the trap and the camp fire, where could they be? I look up to check the trees, and still no sign of them. Perhaps they've gone somewhere else? But no werewolf leaves their home unattended.

I place my ear against the tree trunk that my back is against, to see if anyone is here. I can hear footsteps through the tree, coming from the camp fire, but again I can see no one. Perhaps they're underground?

They're probably underground to be closer to hell.

I look at Axel who just shrugs, not knowing where they are or what to do. It pisses me off that we've come this far just to be met with nothing but a trap and a camp fire. It frustrates me even more knowing that I can hear footsteps but I just can't see anyone or anything.

Axel points to the ground with a raised eyebrow, I think he suspects they're underground as well. And if they are, that gives them a whole new advantage, no one will be able to find them there. If I tried to get down there, I wouldn't even know where to start or go. Not to mention I can't hear a word they're saying from down there, it's too hidden with in the depths of the underground. And why would I want to take a visit to Lord of the underworld Hades? For all I know he could keep me down there forever.

"Let's go," I whisper back to Axel who looks more than relieved to hear those words. He takes a deep sigh, holding his chest as he rises from the bushes. I move away from the tree trunk from behind me, and dust all the dirt off of myself. "Lets get back before---"

"I don't think so." I low voice growls grabbing me from behind. I feel my throat being pushed against as I'm lifted up on the same tree I just came from. The intense smell of rogue meets my nostrils and my eyes flare green. A short but stocky man has his claws gripped around my throat tightly, his nails slightly digging into my skin.

I kick, punch, and try to scream but when a person is cutting off my oxygen supply I can't seem to do much.

To my right, I see that Axel has a rogue of his own that he's yelling at.

"Leave us!" Axel yells gesturing towards me.

"You've walked into our land!" The rogue spits back at him. I feel that my face is bright red and probably about to explode.

"Put her down, take me instead." Axel bargains and I immediately fall to the ground as the grip around my throat is released. I catch my breath back, coughing and spitting.

I watch the rogue that was trying to kill me, walks towards Axel who gives me a look. A look that screams help.

I stand back up on my two feet and hit my rogue from behind the head. He doesn't get knocked out like what I was hoping for, but he stumbles and it gives me enough time to hit him in the balls. That's when he falls over, trying to hold himself together. I. kick him while he's down so that I can make sure he won't get back up.

The second rogue stares at Axel and I evilly, with a fixated grin on me.

"I'll let you get away this time, mutts. But if I see one of your faces back here again, I'll be the last thing that you see." He spits, not moving. Remaining to stand in his ground.

Neither Axel or myself replies to him, we just slowly turn our backs to him and walk away.

We don't speak the whole way home, we just walk in silence. It's not an awkward silence, but it makes me feel bad. I shouldn't have gone in the first place and I shouldn't have brought Axel. But time can't be undone, and now I know the rogues secret. I know that they're based underground.

I'm determined to go back again, in a way. But this time, I want to get underground. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to get there.

Before I leave Axel to go back home, I ask him if he can heal my neck. Kyle healed me and told me it was a Beta's touch, so I only assume that Axel can do the same. He can't.

"I don't have the power yet." He tells me, looking disappointed.

I let my hair down, covering my shoulders and hiding most of my neck. I'll ask Kyle to fix it tomorow.

I walk back home with no battle wounds around my neck, knowing that I'm never going to tell my brothers about what happened with the rogues. I'm not even going to tell them that I'm going to go back there.

It's going to be my little secret.

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I know it's been a week but I had a case writers block and procrastination oppsss

but my first week of school was okay and im so upset. why? well. because school. 

if you guys see a spelling error please feel free to drop me a comment bc im not editing this chapter just yet, im too fkn tired!!

thanksss home dogs
your author

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