"Right here!" She broke the silence, even though there wasn't even silence.

She pointed at a spot in front of the classroom, melody waving too me.

I was her partner, thank god it wasn't someone I hated, but I never figured Melody was in that class. Last time she had a different class, so confusing.. Maybe she switched up or something.

I smiled back, tightening my backpack onto my shoulder as I walked over too the desk shoulder too Melody.

"Hey Daisy." She spoke, a toothy grin.

"Hi." I replied simply, plopping onto the seat as I took out my school things.

"I thought you were in a different class for first period?" I questioned, narrowing my eyebrows confusingly.

"Oh yeah about that, the office ladies told me that they got mixed up with my schedule so they changed it." She explained, me finally understanding.
Just as I thought.

"Will this be my permanent seat?" I said nervously facing the teacher, as she glanced up.

"Do you want it too be?" She replied, sounding confused pulling her glasses down again.

"I guess so." I shrugged, not knowing what too respond with.

"Then it's all yours." She smirked, turning back too her work as I glanced over at Melody who was writing on her math.

"Soo.. Melody, you and Michael are friends?" I asked, as she winced over my view, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah of course, I met him yesterday and he's super nice." She nodded a smile plastered on her face.

I hate what I just heard. Michael trying to kiss me at the party and now he just asked another girl for her number. How is that nice? Yeah she barely met him yesterday but wait until she meets him more. It gets me so angry on how Michael can pull it off so easily on using girls like it's nothing bad. It's like he uses them as sex objects. How stupid can I be when I thought I liked him the other time. It's not that I want too tell Melody he is a bad influence, I need too. Also she might think that I'm jealous and I don't want her too steal Michael. But of course that's zero percent of the reason.

"Melody I don't think you should be talking too Michael, maybe friends, but I don't think you should start liking him." I gulp while she turned straightly too me and raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She looked at me strangely as I looked down quickly then looked back up at her.

"Just-" I sighed taking a breathe, "Just trust me on this. He's not who you think he is."

She made a giggle, a weird giggle then looked at me like I said something stupid.

"So you think I would like Michael? Haha." She continued laughing, "No. Never, I heard a lot about him we're just friends."

My heart filled, feeling relieved. I smiled awkwardly as I began too scratch my neck.

"Don't worry, he's all yours." She smirked down at me but quickly I looked up at her crinkling my eyebrows in confusion.

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