Chapter 2 Inciting Incident

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"I'm going to have to ask you to get in the car."

"Nope.  Not happening," I said.

He tossed me a wallet. I opened it.

"ARK?  What is that, some secret government organization?"

"Secret yes.  Government no.  Get in the car."

"I have a friend that can beat you up."

"Oh really."

"Yep.  And his name is JOHN CENA!"

And then John Cena came and flipped over the car.

I wish.

"Fine, I'll get in the car.  When Hell freezes over," I said, walking away.

"You asked for it," the man in the car said. "Boys."

Men came out of the car and wrestled me into it- but not without a few groins that are going to hurt in the morning.

They put handcuffs on my wrists.  "Are these really necessary?  I mean, they're fashionable and all but seriously?"

"Yes," car dude said.


"So you don't punch anyone."

"I can still punch people."

"But not with as much force."

"Makes it easier to choke you."

"I'd like to see you get those around the headrest."

"Okay." And I put my hands over the headrest so the chain of the handcuffs were at his throat.  I didn't apply pressure though.

"I stand corrected.  Now if you would be so kind as to remove the handcuffs from my throat I might be able to restrain myself from beating you within an inch of your life."

I quickly removed the handcuffs.

"That's better," he said.  "Now we're here."

"And where is here?" I asked.

He opened the door.  "Welcome to ARK headquarters.  Get out."

Hey guys sorry if the chapters are a little short for you. I'm having like a constant writers block and my ideas just won't come. 

Anyway quick question:  what is your favorite song artist?  I LOVE Fall Out Boy.  They best.

So see y'all later.

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