They didn't said it publicly because they want the universe to know Vince is still the chairman. Plus, there is still that storyline between Steph and Shane.

And yes, Paul is my cousin. Long story short, his mom is my mother's sister.

"That's personal Brice, it's between me and him." He answered, walking past me

"ROH is offering me a contract back, just letting you know." I said not even turning to face him.

I smirked when I felt the floor shake as if someone was walkinh. I only need a count of 5 for Paul to appear in front of me.

"He went there to another hearing for the custody of his kids." He answered and I smiled

"See? Now was that hard? You know Hunter, I realize you haven't been sacrificing things enough for me."

"Sacrifice? Brice I have to pay $30,000 to that hell hole-"


"-I don't give a shit on whatever you want to call that. I have to pay MY OWN money to them for your theme song!" he yelled, his veins popping out from his neck, his face reddening as well.

"First of all, no one told you to pay for it. Second of all, why not use the company's money?"

"Because it was budgeted already and you said you won't sign with us unless DemiGod is your theme song. That song is already copyrighted to them! That $30,000 can buy me an apartment! I have to buy the copyrights! How about you? What did you sacrifice for me? For the company?"

"My name, my time, my effort and my health. Something your money can't buy" I said and he only returned a chuckled, this guys loves to chuckle I swear.

"You want Styles? Fine, I'm sending you to Tampa right after your match, be at the airport on 12:15, if not then the plane will took off without you."

"I have photoshoots to catch up!"

"Not my problem" he said and walked away, exiting his own office.

I stomp my feet and jumped up and down. "Fuck!" I yelled then walked out the office, I slammed the door repeatedly and yelled my frustrations out.

"Calm down asshole. I- WE can hear your voice from the locker damn it." Dolph, one of my closest guy friends said while my head is buried on the door.

"I may not look at you noodlehead, but I know your voice when I hear it."

"Honored. Truly honored, come on now." He said and took me by the shoulders and walk me to the hallway where Dolph, Kevin, Cesaro and I would hang out.

He sat me down on the crate as the other 2 laughed at me. "Now shut up, I'm going to take you all out." I said and lean my back to the wall. The other 3 guys sitting down on the floor in front of me.

"You're obsessed. You used to have Dean tailing behind your back-"

"He's happy with Renee now" I said, cutting off Dolph.

"-you have Fergal and may I mention, Brock Lesnar" Kevin stated with a laugh.

I looked at him as if he's joking around, then finally continued "Rumours are spreading in the locker that Brock has a thing for you, and Sable doesn't even know. Who the hell makes Brock Lesnar fall for them?" Kevin stated, which resulted with me shaking my head.

Yeah they might like me but the heart has a mind of its own, I can't control it.

"But their name is not Allen Jones. As long as Allen Jones is on this earth, they -even you Three eggheads- have no rights to give me other choices" I snapped.

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