He's Gone, Isn't He?

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I woke up at base with my comrades, and I rubbed my head. 'What the heck happened?'
I couldn't think straight until everything started revealing itself to me. 'Sasuke! He kissed me'

I heard someone coming and I whipped my head around to see Sakura. "Hi..Sakura-chan".
She waved sadly. Naruto and Kakashi-sensei walked in.
"We know you tried to beat your brother, (Y/n). It's good to see that you had determination, but that fight had no concern with you.", Sensei said, calmly.

I looked down.

"I know... I just had to try.", I stated. "Wait! Where is my brother?!"

Kakashi blinked and looked away. "He left you stranded in the middle of the forest.".
I frowned and jumped up.

"We have to find Onii-san! He's alone out there, and I was the one who helped him. Please just let me search for him", I begged. Kakashi shrugged.

"Okay. But we're all going. Even if that means getting reinforcements or new recruits. Besides, your 8 anyways. Of course you're gonna need some support.", he stated kindly. I smiled and hugged Sakura and we both rejoiced saying,


Brother!Sasuke x Little!Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now