Where's Chloe? (Part 2)

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April's P.O.V
We all raced out the class. Obviously I was the first one to go out. They others were all way behind me.
"Okay girls, maybe we should find her stuff?" I said, but I realised that I was talking to myself. I sighed, they were walking. About five minutes later they arrived. I crossed my arms and tapped my left foot on the ground. "You're finally here..."
"Yep! So, now what?" Lily asked.
"Maybe we should look for her stuff?" I suggested.
"Good Idea April!" Kelsey said.
"Let's start!" Emily said. We all looked around for a bit. After about another five minutes I heard Emily. We all ran to where she was. She was by a bench, holding Chloe's Backpack.
"Woah, wait a minute. She's been kidnapped!" Emily screamed.
"Calm down Em..." Kelsey said.
" BUT IT'S A DISASTER!!!" She screamed even more and looked inside she gasped really loud, "OH MY GOSH! HER WAND IS GONE?!" Emily fainted.
"OMG Emily!" Lily said.
"She'll wake up soon." I reasured her. I looked back at her Backpack then saw something. I went to it and picked it up. A card? I flipped it around. My eyes opened and I gasped. They looked at me.
"What?" They all said. Emily regained consciousness. They all came to me and they all gasped too. We all shouted at the same time,
"OH THAT RASCAL! THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM I SWEAR I WILL SLAUTER HIM IN TWO!!" Emily raged. We were all shocked by Emily raging. She looked at us with an innocent smile, "S-Sorry!"
"At least we know where she is." I said. They all mumbled a, Mmm-Hmm.

Ulkrin's P.O.V (I think that's him name)
"So, what are we gonna do with the girl?" Brooha asked. I just shrugged.
"If only Emperor Nogo was here, he'll know what to do." I said. It was silent for a while,
"Rascal, you should know. Why did you get the girl, and why especially, her?" Odor asked, with a slight smirk. Rascal seemed like in a daze, but got out of it.
"Sorry I was dazed, what was the question?" He said.
"Why did you take Chloe instead of probably, the other girls? Hmm?" I teased. I saw Rascal had a light pink highlight on his face. Then Brooha spoke up,
"You like her. Don't you Rascal?"
"Uhh." Was the only thing Rascal could say.
"Maybe you should go talk to her?" Odor said.
"What? No way." Rascal had even more blush painted on him but it was more visible. I nudged him three times,
"You should.~ She is a pretty one you gotta admit." I teased. Rascal let out a sigh,
"Okay..." I saw him got up and go to Chloe. The three of us high fived each other.

(Author's Note)
Yay Part 2! The three Baddies were ganging up on Rascal, XD!

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