I got up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I brushed through my hair as it was really messy and took a look at the rest of my appearance. My lips were dry from not having a drink in a while, my skin was slightly paler than normal and my eyes… oh god my eyes were red! Why were they red? I haven’t been crying, only in my dream…

“Noo!” I shouted and collapsed on the blow-up bed. I put my head in my hands and shook my head, trying to get the idea of my dad being gay out my head. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the living room.

I knew someone was in here now and I looked up at them. It was Andrew and his face was filled with worry.

I looked into his eyes and whispered, “It wasn’t a dream was it!”

He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.     


I can’t believe that after all these years of my mum and dad being supposedly happy together my dad has suddenly kissed another man. Have I been living my whole life as a lie? Why me? What have I done to deserve all this in my life? Not only am I pregnant at fifteen, my dad also picked this exact moment to become gay. Or has he been living another life? All these late nights working, was he really working?

Another tear escaped my already moist eyes; it was quickly followed by a whole load more. I felt Andrew’s secure arms wrap themselves around me but I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by the pain and hurt that was running through my veins, reaching every corner of my body.

“I’m sorry gorgeous.”

I looked up into his eyes and saw that he really meant it. I nodded, stood up and just started to walk out of the room. I ran out the house and down the street. I don’t know where I was going and I didn’t care, I don’t even care that I’m bare foot and in my short pyjamas. A tear rolled down my face and all I could think about was why. Why did this have to happen!

I heard shouting coming from behind me. I couldn’t even work out what they were saying. It was just mumbles to me. I’m a fast runner which got me quite far before I heard someone following me. I didn’t stop, I wanted to be alone so I picked up my pace, nearly sprinting. Not proper sprinting though as it was hurting my bare feet.

“Jody. Stop. Please.” As you might have guessed it was Andrew. His breathing was deep but I’m not sure why though because he’s on the football team and they run for ages, all the time.

“Please!” I stopped dead in my tracks; I couldn’t bare to hear him plead like that. I don’t think he thought I would stop as sudden as I did as he ran into making me fall over with Andrew falling as well. I was falling front first and I knew this wasn’t going to end well, so I closed my eyes and clutched my stomach. Hopefully this will save the baby!

I knew I hit the ground as I heard that sound of someone hitting pavement. I edged my eyes open slightly, waiting for the pain to hit me… but it didn’t come.

I heard a groan and realised I wasn’t laying on the ground front first but actually I was on top of Andrew. I sprung off of him and kneeled next to him.

Barely A Mother [A Teen Pregnancy Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें