Before I can fully work out what's going on Justin has me swept up in his armsand I'm letting out a small scream of suprise. "Justin, put me down." I groan wrapping my arms tightly around his neck in fear of falling. "Please don't drop me." I beg quietly in his ear when Justin starts to walk with me in his arms huffing when he uses one hand to guard my head as we walk through the door.

"I'm not gonna drop you Char," Justin laughs softly at my comment. To be honest I think even if he did drop me nothing would happen because I'm holding on to him so tight.

"If you do I'll sue." I warn my voice showing my panic with it being so high pitched.

"Charlotte, oh my god stop!" Justin groans grinning at me as we slowly descend the stairs. Either way this is quicker than me trying to waddle down but I think Justin's enjoying the idea of a law suit? "You're too talkative for this time of day." Justin huffs as I laugh at his grumpiness quietly.

"You're too grumpy to be only 21." I huff in reply as Justin places me back on the floor tapping my arm softly but with a smirk on his face. I stick my tongue out at him and slip on my flip flops too lazy to try and put anything else as Justin wraps his hoodie around me.

Justin turns to me frowning and holding his chest fakely "Ouch, that one hurt." He mumbles and I laugh quietly to myself.

The last few weeks had been a blur. Marshmallow's room was now almost complete and only needed a few more things until it was finished. When Mom flew in with Jamie last week she brought a toy camel and some cute little shorts and the whole white grey and yellow theme we had going on still seemed to fit well. We bought our stroller and all the stuff we'd need for when the baby arrives. All we had to do now was wait and buy small things such as bibs, diapers.

It's a month and a half until my due date and I couldn't be more excited. Justin had been taking care of my every need and it's like the closer we go to Marshmallow being born, the closer we got as a couple. We were communicating and would compromise when needed. Of course we had disagreements, I'm not sure we would work if we didn't but they were soon brushed over if I was feeling bad or vice versa.

Justin reaches for my hand as soon as we're back up down our driveway and heading down the main road out of the estate. His fingers interlock with mine as we head towards the store not too far away. I look and feel like crap, sleep is something I can only dream about but Justin and the thought of Justin are somehow solving every issue for me.

I kind of feel bad for Justin. He's up in the middle of the night for me and my needs when really he's never going to get anything good out of this. I mean sure, he might get a mouthful of ice cream or two but, nothing really for himself. He's too kind and I'm too spoiled.

He should just say no now and again so I can have a strop. Then again I still think he's too kind for that.

We end up going to a 24 hour grocery store for some bananas, several tubs of peanut butter and reserves of ice cream. We then pull into a 24 hour mcdonalds and despite my protests Justin drags me inside. There's probably going to be pictures of us looking like hot mess's at 4am on every news sight in the morning, I'm not really sure if I care at this point though.

"Large fries, One mcflurry for you and one for me." Justin grins the hood on his jumper pulled up as I grin in excitement.

"Thank you so much." I gasp quickly picking up a fry and throwing it in my mouth. I moan at the salty taste eyeing Justin as he watches me almost cautiously. "I'm not gonna eat you, you're good." I smile poking my tongue out at Justin making him laugh. I pick up another fry dipping it into my ice cream before eating it again.

"Wait, did you just put that in your...?" Justin asks his eyebrows furrowed as I nod slowly. I thought this was a normal thing. Kia and I have done this so many times.

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