I spun on my feet and gathered his shirt into my palms. "What are you talking about?" 

He was crying. I would never have thought to see a man like Richard Grant cry like a helpless child. 

"She shifted when she was 12..." 

I thought that was normal for every she-wolf. They usually shifted at the same time their human side started puberty. 

"I don't see what's wrong with that?" Mom thought the same thing. 

"But after that first time, she never shifted again." He finished. It took as a minute to process what he had just said. Mom and I looked at each other in shock. It was unheard of for a werewolf to not shift after the first time. If a wolf doesn't get its usual escape from it's human host, at least once in three days, then it would kill the person. 

"How is she still alive?" Mom muttered. 

The guys outside who have been listening to the whole scene started talking. I forgot they were still there.

"Get out! All of you leave the house!" I yelled at them and they all ran like insects. Grant started whimpering and whipping his check with the back of his arm. I faced Grant and wanted to kick the blabbering fool. His daughter was in pain and he acted as though she was already dead. 

"This is my fault." He repeated looking at me with red eyes. 

"Tell me...why do you think it's your fault?" I said gravely. 

He peaked at me contemplating whether telling me the truth was a bad idea. 

Finally he spoke, "Do you love my daughter?" 

The question caught me off guard. I never actually expressed my emotions to anyone. 

“She’s my mate.” He knew all along we were mates. He didn’t even flinch when I said it.

“NO, do you love my daughter. I’m asking you a serious personal question.”

I’ve only known her for a week, she is my mate and I’m physically attracted to her. Do I love her?

I looked at my mom, at Grant then saw Selene now barely breathing on the bed and my heart ached.

“Yes, I think I do.”

“Then you better listen carefully, because I’m not repeating myself.” I nodded. “The first time she shifted, I wasn’t there. She was with her mother together at home, while I was looking for work—human work.” I winced at the fact he, a beta, would stumble to human life. “When I got home she was alone, crying in pain on the ground still in her human form. Her body was lying on the floor unable to move. When I touched her, the strangest sensation happened. She absorbed my energy!”

“I was physically weak when it stopped, but I was still able to stand. As this happened she completed her transformation, but her wolf was in full control. It was angry, hurt and upset. I realized later the reason for it’s emotions. My wife had rejected her during her transformation, left her and Selene shifted with those feelings conflicting her thoughts. Her wolf took it as energy and consumed it.”

“When a young wolf shifts it’s supposed to be surrounded in a peaceful environment. You should know that Richard.” Mom said softly not to add more guilt.

Me, however, didn’t care about his shitty feelings. “You are a freaking Beta! You should have prepared her!” I yelled at him.

“I didn’t think---

“Didn’t think what? That she mattered? I’ve seen you treat your daughter like a wall. I don’t think you’re a fit father!”

Grant got up on his feet and glared at me. “Well, you have no right to call yourself her mate! You treated her life dirt yourself!” He yelled back.

I didn’t say anything because I knew he was telling the truth. I was no better then him.

Mom placed her hand on my shoulder. “Lucca, maybe if you touched you could give her some of your energy like Richard had done.”

It’s worth a try. “Okay.”

“Let me help you.” Grant stood next to me over Selene.

“I can do it myself.”

“Don’t be stubborn. Not at a time like this.” He said.

I nodded. “What do I do?”

“Place your hand on her arm. It will hurt less there. Her whole body is in pain, but her arm has a large bone that is still similar to a wolfs upper limb so it’s not broken.”

He exposed her arm from under the blanket and we both placed one palm over her arm.

A whimper escaped her lips.

“No” She whispered dryly.

“I don’t feel anything.” I said to Grant.

“Selene, wake up its daddy.” Grant said softly.


Selene screamed again and thrashed like before, but this time her eyes widened.

My mouth dropped at the sight I saw. Her eyes; one was light topaz and the other was glowing aqua blue! Before, I could ask Grant why they were what they were, I felt my energy being drained. It felt like I had ran across the world. My body was about ready to drop, until Grant pulled my wrist back with his other hand.

“Watch.” He muttered.

And I did.

Her body morphed fluidly without any more horrid noises. She didn’t scream, nor did she cry out in discomfort. Her body curled into a ball and her face hid into the blanket. All we witness was her back. The cloth of her nightgown ripped in half and replacing her soft skin was a coat of cream-colored fur.


A/N: Hope you liked it guys :) VOTE & Comment PLEASE... 

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