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A woman asked a Scholar: "What should I do to my kids to wake them up for Fajr due to their heavy sleep?"

The Scholar said: "What will you do if there is a fire in the house and they are sleeping?"

She said: "I'll wake them up."

Scholar replied: But if their sleep is heavy?

She then said: "By Allaah! I will wake them up or I will drag them by their necks."

The Scholar then said: "If this is what you are going to do to save them from the fire of the dunya then do the same to save them from the blazing fire of the hereafter!"


Salah, prayer,

is the second pillar. The Islamic faith is based on the belief that individuals have a direct relationship with God. The world's Muslims turn individually and collectively to Makkah, Islam's holiest city, to offer five daily prayers at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening.

In addition, Friday congregational service is also required. Although salah can be performed alone, it is meritorious to perform it with another or with a group. It is permissible to pray at home, at work, or even outdoors; however it is recommended that Muslims perform salah in a mosque.

Fajr is the salah performed at dawn


Shaykh Zahir Mahmood@facebook

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