Behind Us

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Timeline - POV
(Y/N) - Your name

(Y/N)'s POV
"Mum, Dad, do you still remember how both of you met?" My son asked. "What's with that sudden question?" I asked since you know, kids being kids... He answered, "My teacher told us about how he met his wife during a free period." My eyebrows furrowed, "oh?"

"Then Jennifer said that her parents met through their mutual friends in a party," My son continued on. "While Hermione's parent met, when her dad rescued her mom from a wicked witch!"

I laughed, how sweet and magical...

"So little buddy, you want to know how we met right?" My husband spoke bringing himself into the conversation. The small handsome boy nodded his head. "Okay, get ready to go back in time. Back to the story Behind Us!"

(Y/N)'s POV

Robbie and I are  best of friends since 12 years old. Our friendship is like a war, easy start off, difficult to end and impossible to forget. We would always be coming by to each other houses for sleep over, or in the park acting like immature kids, even in the school library studying. At times, both of us tend to get touchy at times or show affection to each other (a little too much), often getting mistaken as a couple.

But, the thing is that... With each passing year, I've slowly fall in love with that guy. However I was such a scaredy cat back then, thinking by confessing my love for him, things would never be the same. I was right, things weren't going to be same for long.

At the age of 18, something unexplainable and memorable happened. On this lucky day, my friends, Tristan, Liz and (of course) Robbie and I, were hanging out at the Amusement Park. As we approach the gate, we can hear the thick clanking of rides moving, the shuddering of rails and tracks, and the screams of their passengers as they are whipped around. We had a great deal of fun! Log ride and Pirate Ships, Roller coaster and Merry-Go-Round, Corn dogs and Candy Apples, Cotton Candy and Rock Candy. 

Before we even knew it, our day has come to an end. We stopped by for the brightly-coloured arctic dots of fire works. At that time, Liz kept hinting that this day will be an important day to Robbie and I, specifically us only. Me being me, I shrugged those words aside, thinking of it plainly nothing but as a joke.

Who knew though...

Once the different radiant shades of colours lit up the dark undecorated night sky. I felt a pair of warm hands hugging me from behind. I knew those hands too well...

"So urm... I don't have much experience with love. Therefore forgive me with my lousy confession. But I've been longing for months to say this. Ever since I've first met you have made my life a little more meaningful, a little more brighter and a little more precious... And I really want you to stick by my side in my life forever-" Robbie silently whispered that sent chills to my spines.


"W-would you like to take our relationship to the next level? I really love you sincerely from the bottom of my heart!" Robbie confessed. I smil- Actually no. More of jumping with joy! I nodded with eagerness. He stood still for a moment, trying to process what was happening.

Robbie held my's head in his hands and pulls me into a fiery, short and passionate kiss. I felt his warm lips against mine. We pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. "I love you (Y/N)," he whispered. Never before has my name ever felt so wonderful a one, I thought, as I lean in for another...

Liz was right, this was really a significant day for both Robbie and I...

~Present Time~

"Then they lived happily ever after," Robbie hugged me from behind, exactly like those young days. "The End," my voice ended the story for him.

Robbie smiled before giving a small pecked my lips. "EwWwwW! Not here mommy and daddy," my son whinned. "Hey now! That's going to happen to you one day too, you know?" Robbie mocked. He stick his tongue out, pretending to vomit.  

"Where would I have been without those two blissful people in my life?" I pondered while  grinning merrily at them.

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