Prom: Lucky Me (Final part)

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(Y/N) - Your Name ~ Timeline ~ POV ~ (Y/PD) - Your Prom Dress 

(Hours before the big night)

Robbie's POV

"Robbie? What are you doing here? You aren't attending prom this year?" My sister, Fiona confoundedly asked. I shooked my head, changing the channel on the television. I could feel her eyes fixed at me mutely. Her eyes owlishly squinted at me, "Hey... Are you still bothered by (Y/N)'s rejection?" My eyes twinkled before eventually turning gloomy once more. Her intuitive understanding began examining my scenario causing a hushed living room, with the exception of sounds coming from the electronic devices. 

"Three words: Thomas is sick," out of nowhere, Fiona claimed. My eyebrows draw together; Okay? What am I supposed to do with this piece of information? Go to his house and wished him to get well soon? I gave an utterly confused look. She started to drop hints, "His date... ? Single? Prom?" A sudden realisation shot up, (Y/N) was not going to have a date for prom if Thomas was sick! As I got up from the sofa, I tried to get my final uncertainty become more clear of, "Fiona, how did you know about Thomas's illness?" She smiled cheekily, showing her text messages between Thomas and her. "I see, got to go!" I laughed. 

I ran into my room. I had no time to lose! I frantically picked out a black sharp-looking and well-fitted suit (GIF^). 

Before leaving the house, I heard Fiona's voice "Robbie! Don't forget about this!" She threw to me what seemed to be a small box. I caught it in my hands, identifying it as the appreciation gift I intended to passed it to (Y/N) the previous time. I flashed a blissful smile, thanking my annoying yet beloving sister as I drove my car.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat heavily on my bed, softly sighing in dismay. Well that unexpectedly happened, I thought. I went through my call log, recalling what had happened.

(15 minutes ago)

"Honey, are you ready for prom? You've been in there all night long!" My mother shouted sharply from downstairs.

 "Soon! I'm still applying my eyeshadow." Looking back at the mirror as I touched it up with some black glitter. Now the finishing touches...

I heard my phone ringing. I saw the call: Thomas 🐻 ! I immediately answered, just to hear a soft ill Thomas, "(Y/N)? I-I'm absolutely sorry b-but I won't be able to make it tonight. My fever has shot up and I'm down with flu. You have no idea how much I would love to accompany you! I'll make it up to you next time alright?" I bit my lip a little, my heart sank a little. However, I gave him my usual cheerful and gleeful words, "You sound really sick... Do get well soon Thomas! I might try joining with Everly and the rest. You owe me one for today though!" He laughed followed by a raspy voice, "I'll treat you for dinner next week ya'? Anyway got to go, time to take my medicine. Have fun!" "Deal! Bye," I replied back with a sprinkle of sadness, before ending the call.

"(Y/N), have you done your ma-" 

"I'm not going to prom, mum. Thomas just called in, he's down with high fever and flu."

(Back to present time)

"Ding Dong!" The doorbell rang. Who's that? Isn't Thomas at home? "Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" The sound continuously rang on. I heard running footsteps followed by a shriek, "Oh my! (Y/N) darling, you should come down!" 

I walked down the stairs quickly, awe-struck by a lovely sight.


"Ro-Rosie, Everly and Quinnlyn?" I saw my beautiful best friends in their bright glowing dresses. Everly explained, "Jackson told me about how your date is sick for today. I see that you are fully dressed up too! C'mon now, there is no way you're staying at home looking perfect tonight. Let's go!" I tittered, I'm really blessed to have good gals like them in my life huh?

"Hold on ladies! Picture time!" My mother exclaimed. 

"Of course! Sure," Rosie agreed. All four of us, arms around each others, posing for the camera. My mother smiled, "Thank you Everly and (Y/N)'s friends for bringing her out for prom! Now have fun okay? Don't do anything stupid there sweetie!" I nodded my head eagerly before pulling her for a short compassionate hug. 

"Let's get going girls!" Quinnlyn shouted excitedly.

(Upon arriving at the destination)

"This place looks so beautifully decorated!" I squealed with delight, grabbing a hold of Rosie's arm. Rosie joked, "your nails is going to puncture my skin very soon (Y/N)!" I laughed, Quinnlyn added "Rosie Rosie, you're too thick skin for her to even hurt you one bit!" Everly softly yelled, "Oh sh*t Rosie!" Everyone laughed along prior to walking into River Fork High School. 

The gym was nicely-decorated and extremely resplendent. All of the young ladies here were had their own statuesque beauty, while the adolescent boys were very imposing and striking. 

I made my way to the buffet corner to help myself out, not knowing that I had lost tracks of my friends. 

"Qui-! Oh boy, I lost them within the crowd..." I thought as I now stood awkwardly in the corner as a calm peaceful song started. I saw couples swaying back and forth with the music. I placed two fingers on my forehead, remembering that I was yet again dateless for the night!

"Robbie is probably somewhere around here too. Slow dancing with some girls, enjoying his night. I mean, who am I even to judge?" I sighed, thinking back of the foolish incident. 

"I bet you weren't even half correct," somebody whispered into your ear, my eyes widened as I recognised that voice. 

"No way..." I mumbled, looking up to see Robbie. 

"Yes way! It was a messy night for me, I didn't even have time to enjoy one bit of it upon arriving," The actor complained. "That aside, now that I found my lost princess, shall we?" He bowed down, stretching out one of his arm towards me. My heart was beating with great pounding and pressure, one that could be heard and felt. Reaching my hand out to grab his,as he walked us to the dance floor. 

Robbie's hand smoothly curved over my hips, hands intertwining perfectly together. "(Y/N), I'm sorry for acting immature last time," A sincere apology rang through my ears. I immediately remembered about the rejection, "I should be the one saying that and I forgive you too." 

"I forgive you too." The words I needed to hear to have the corners of my mouth turned up with my front teeth exposed.

Robbie and I continue to move rhythmically to music, striking a small talk every once and then. Time flew by real fast. Before anyone kne, it the music slowly came to an end. People around us began pulling away from each other except for two of us.

"(Y/N), one more thing," Robbie whispered, taking out a shining gift from his pocket, revealing a finely-detailed adorable promise ring. Bending down on a knee as he took my now cold-sweaty  hands(caused by all the dancing), I could feel everybody forming a circle around us.

"Ever since I first met you, when we were assigned as project partners in biology class, I felt an immediate strong connection. Not any ordinary connection that just clicks. It was a connection that goes well beyond the superficial. I can't really explain it even... HAHAH... Anyhow, I knew I screwed it up first time, running away once rejected. But, I came back stronger now. (Y/N), will you be mine?" 

Gaspings, gossipings and admiration filling up the entire room. "Duh-duhn, duh-duhn," my heartbeat echoed. With the fog clearing, I finally understood what was going on. 

"Yes, I will!" Nodding my head in amusement, smiling from ear to ear. 

The crowd clapped, welcoming the new couple. Robbie got up, giving me a warm sweet hug as he leaned in closer, foreheads touching. I giggled, as I closed my eyes trying to believe that this was reality. As his hands were wrapped around my waist, I felt his lips brushed against mine in an innocent manner, lips tasting of mint. A delicate butterfly of kiss. 

"Lucky me huh?" I thought. Hoping this special moment would last forever.

Robbie Kay ➸ Imagines/ZodiacsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora