Chapter 6 - This Love

Start from the beginning

"I don't think so." I disagree. "He may not be stereotypical but he just really seems to be straight. He dated a girl last year, remember?" 

"Yeah, but so did you." She retorts. "I remember you telling me that you had your first girlfriend in your freshman year." 

I cringe. "Let's not go back to that, shall we?" 

With the Great Bang girls and boys right beside us, there was quite nothing to talk about, since our favourite pastime was gossiping about them. They gleam with their fashionably cased iPhones and designer handbags, ignoring everyone else who was seated in the bleachers because they were utterly loud. Four other students from our class got up and moved to a spot near the end of the bleachers we were on, and they were in a comfortable distance from the Great Bang. 

With Mason on his phone, and Cassie busy looking at the boys, because she has a crush on one of them, which I will mention later. I decide to think about the next time Dylan and I will be seeing each other. So yesterday, he got to get off as early as he could, which was at seven, but coming to learn from what he said that he can get off any time he pleases as long as he's done with work for that day. So he really doesn't have a stable time-in time-out, making it hard to predict when the both of us could go out again. 

I've been told to have a problem with taking things too fast, as mentioned by the two guys I almost had a relationship with, emphasis on almost. Guy one told me that I was such a sweet guy but we've only known each other for weeks and I've already told him that I like him. He told me that he wasn't sure if he was ready to be committed at the time, but I surely was. So that didn't go well. With guy two, we have known each other for years but only considered taking a chance on the both of us not that long ago. We went out, the night went well and it ended up with me staying over at his place, but nothing went down that night, we just slept comfortably as I held his pillow to my chest as he wrapped himself around my back. The next day, he tells me that it didn't feel right. 

God, am I a carrier of bad luck. 

But hell, someone told me that with each wrong one, is a step that brings you to the right one. Some need a lot of steps to reach their knight of shining armour, while others only need a few. It's different with everyone, so it won't help if you start comparing yourself to someone else. 

I just don't understand why I'm just so ready with anything while the other party needs to take their time. I'd try to understand but if I'm made to wait for so long I become impatient. That's my major flaw. And now, I'm determined to overcome that with Dylan, if ever he was also interested in me. 

I'm snapped out of my thought process by a whistle, and I see one of the boys from the court walking over to the bleachers. The teacher calls out a Braydon. 

Oh, hell no. 

The boys start applauding me, because all of them know that I'm going to suck ass this game. I force myself to get up and start descending the bleachers, as I pass by the boy I was swapping in for, he gives me a You can do it, Bray. And that's the first time I have ever been called "Bray", since my name isn't that hard to pronounce anyway. 

"Can I just like, do a cheer-dance over here?" I ask the teacher, pointing to the edge of the basketball court.

"Come on, Braydon. I know you can do it." He shakes his head, pushing me forward. "Just do your best. Eric, he's in your team, alright?" I glare back at him. 

A whistle goes off and the boys start running around, dribbling the ball as they move from point A to point B. They all know that I'm not going to do shit in this court, so they all know that this game is a four versus five, because Braydon Keane Raines is just going to chill by our basketball ring and try my best to block out any sweaty jock that tries to shoot their ball through. 

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