The Good One

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Sorta. It's a music video featuring a couple, running from a gang. IT IS SO EXACTLY THEM AND I CAN"T BELIEVE I FOUND IT. Here's where I get kind of bitchy though....I'm not posting it until the chapter after the next one. hehe.....

Sorry!!! But the next chapter is going to have a song fit for the upcoming scenes, and THEN the chapter after that will have the video. 

For now though, the song to the right is Iris by Sleeping with Sirens. Listen to it, dammit. I just heard it today and it's already downloaded on my ipod. LISTEN. NOW. IT'S MAGICAL AND BEAUTIFUL.

alright. enjoy.


As soon as I woke up, I knew something was wrong with me.

Pulling the covers off of me, I sat up, and immediately felt a wave of nausea. My skin felt feverish, and I took a breath, trying to stamp down the heavy sick feeling.

River stirred, woken by my movement. He rubbed his eyes, still laying down. He murmured, voice low and hoarse from sleep. "Viva?"

I held a hand to my head, dizziness making the room spin. When I didn't answer, River sat up too, putting a hand on my back. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I swallowed, holding my breath for a minute. I couldn't tell if I was about to vomit or not. "I just feel sick. I think...I just need a second. It'll pass."

I closed my eyes, trying to stamp down the awful feeling. I felt River shift closer to me, lightly running a hand down my arm soothingly. He laid his hand against my forehead, feeling my temperature. "Do you need to get to the bathroom? Are you going to be sick?"

I started to shake my head no, but the movement made the dizziness worse. I quickly stood up, barely balancing. "I think I just need water."

"Alright." River's voice was laced with worry. "Here, I'll help you." He got up from the bed, holding me by the waist. I led the way to the bathroom, headed for the sink.

Halfway there, black spots started to invade my vision. I stopped in my tracks, leaning heavily against River, trying to refocus my eyes. I could feel myself starting to black out.

"Woah. You need to sit down right now." River's voice barely registered in my mind. I felt his warm arms around my waist, leading me to a small couch, sitting me down slowly.

"You're pale as a ghost. Lay down, sweetie, you're okay. Breathe." River laid me down on the couch. As soon as my head was resting against a pillow, the dizziness subsided, and my vision cleared. I was still for a minute, resting. When I was sure that I was fine, I sat up again, slowly, pushing my hair away from my face. "Jesus. What the hell." I muttered.

River was crouched beside me. I looked over at him. His hair was a mess, having just gotten out of bed, but he was clearly wide awake, blue eyes studying my face with concern. "Feel okay now?"

"Yeah. What time is it?" I asked him. He glanced behind him, at the digital clock beside the bed. "Just before seven. Do you need me to run to the store for medicine? Is your stomach hurting you?"

I blinked a few times. Sleep still darkened the corners of my mind, and I fought back a yawn. "No. My stomach was hurting, but it's fine now. I think it was just a weird spell."

"What kind of hurt? Pain, or nauseous?" River asked me. He reached up to feel my forehead again.


"Is the gunshot okay? Do you want me to change the bandages?"

I lifted my shirt, checking the bandages. I hadn't bled through them, but they had loosened while I was asleep. "I'll do it. Go back to bed, River. You still haven't slept enough."

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