Leave The Lights On

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I REALLY need you guys to tell me which point of view you prefer. RIVER. OR VIVA.  Or do you want me to switch off between them? I'm telling you, nobody answered last chapter, so the deal is, if only one person answers, then hell that will be my choice. If I wake up in the morning a week from now and I see one comment that says, "I like Viva's POV" then the rest of the book shall be her POV. However, if a number of people comment, then I'll pick the most popular choice.

Okay, anyway. Hope by We Came As Romans is the song, simply cause I freaking love the song. It varies, really, my taste in music is awesome/terrible.

Here's the newest chapter! <3


Viva's POV


"Go back to sleep."

That's what River whispered to me as he carefully slid from under me on the couch, pulling the blankets back over me. Still half asleep, I squinted at him. He walked to the window near me, pulling the shades to keep the room dark. My body said, go back to damn sleep, but my mind didn't want to. If River was up, I wanted to be up.

Yawning, I made an attempt to sit up. River was quick to come to my side and gently push me back down. "It's too early. You need sleep, Viva, you lost a lot of energy since two days ago, and you need to be rested for later today."

"Where are you going? River..." I blinked at him. "What time is it?"

"Shh, I'm right in the other room, I'm just talking to Presley. Go to sleep."

I looked at him for a moment, eyes half open. Eh, good enough for me. Sighing, I snuggled back under the blanket, quickly drifting back out.

It must have been another couple hours before I woke up again, this time on my own. I brought myself to stand up, glancing at a dusty mirror on the wall. My hair was a little messy, but still acceptable, since I hardly moved all night it didn't tangle. I adjusted the clothes I was wearing, which belonged to River.

Voices sounded from the other room. River and his friend Presley, who lives in this apartment. I listened for a moment. 

"It's better for you to save money by going to a cheaper motel. Not too cheap though. Like, cheap enough to have hookers using it but not so cheap that you'll get herpes just from sleeping in the beds." 

I raised an eyebrow. What is Presley going on about?

River laughed. The sound made me blink in surprise; I mean, does River laugh that often? Besides the sarcastic laughing, of course. It was....nice, to hear him laugh. 

"Don't worry. I'm all set, man." River answered him, still sounding amused. 

"Can you blame me, Riv? You're my closest buddy, and now, who's to say I'll even see you again after today?" I heard a bed creak, like someone was getting up from it. I leaned against the living room wall, still listening to them.

"Presley, I'm just leaving, not dying." River said, sighing.

"You don't even know that for sure." Presley muttered.

"None of us ever know for sure, Pres. That's the life of me and you." The bed creaked again.

"Yeah, but this is different. River, I swear, if you go and get your ass killed because of this girl I will straight up lose my shit." Presley's voice was flat, but with some humor in it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You love me." River's voice was playful.

"Hell yeah, you're my bitch." Presley said. Then he says, "But seriously, man...careful. Here, I've got three hundred bucks to start you off."

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