"Stop him." She snapped turning to the Sheriff. He looked at her confused.

"No but maybe you do." Peter spoke. He lunged over the table as Meredith screamed.

"No, no!" Lydia screamed as his claws latched onto her neck. everyone piled in and Parrish went to grab him but Beth stopped him.

"No don't!" She said. "You might kill them if you do." She whispered pushing him back lightly. He nodded and stepped back next to the others.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" The Sheriff asked he asked looking at the two girls who shrugged.

"I don't know. Wait?" Beth asked slowly. Lydia nodded.

"What the hell is he doing to her?" Parrish asked and everyone turned back to the two.

Not only seven minutes later did the Sheriff realize that someone was mumbling. He looked over and saw that Meredith's lips were moving rather quickly.

"An you understand that?" He asked the two. They both nodded. Lydia glanced at Beth unsure.

"I can understand every word." She said smiling pointing her ears.

"She was in the same hospital." Lydia said still looking at Beth who was looking right back at her.

"The same hospital as who?" He asked.

"Peter." Beth said slowly with smirk as she met Lydia's eyes. "It was right after the fire. Meredith could hear him. " She continued. Sheriff looked confuse as he and Jordan.

"Hear what?" Jordan asked.

"Everything." Lydia said before Beth got the chance. She stepped back and looked to Meredith. "She was hearing every thought in his head, like they'd somehow found the same wavelength. And now everything going through his mind was also going right into hers." She said finished.

"For how long?"  Sheriff asked crossing his arms.

"Weeks. Maybe even months. It was almost like he was standing right over her bed talking about the fire." Beth said she looked to Peter a frown forming. "About getting revenge." She finished shaking her head. Suddenly Peter gasped and he broke apart from Meredith gasping. Beth stood up an pushed Peter away to help Meredith who was sobbing hysterically.

"You did this." Snapped Lydia glaring at Peter. "You started all of this an you don't even remember." She said. Then all hell broke loose as the Sheriff and Jordan pulled out their guns pointing it at Peter.

"Are you kidding me?" Peter asked raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head.

"Hands where I can see them." Sheriff said slowly. Peter rolled his eyes and stayed where he was not morning.

"How the hell was I supposed to remember any of that?" Peter snapped.

"She got it from you." Lydia snapped. Peter started to breath shakily.

"I was out of my mind." Peter said closing his eyes calming down. "Do you know what it's like for one of us to be in a coma? Paralyzed but cognizant?" He said getting angry. "You try not going crazy." He snapped looking at all of them.

"She was listening to you." Jordan snapped.

""She was listening to the ranting and raving of a lunatic. A former lunatic. I'm much healthier now. I had nothing to do with this, McCall control your boy toy." Growled Peter.

"If she was following your lead on this, then how do we know there isn't more?" Sheriff asked. Beth closed her eyes as she helped Meredith calm down.

"Stealing my own money? Really?" Peter asked.

"You were going to use it anyway." Sheriff said.

"Stop. Stop it. This is what she wants. It's why she's here. Look around, Sheriff. There's four people in here right now. Four people still on the dead pool. Me, Parrish...Meredith.....and Beth." Lydia said said slowly. Beth glance down at Meredith to see she stopped crying and was now just staring at nothing. Beth slowly let go of her. Jordan eased over to her and snatched Beth's arm pulling her away from Meredith his gun still trained on Peter.

"But not him." He said gesturing to Peter. Peter nodded.

"Lydia's right. We don't want to kill each other." Peter stated. Beth rolled her eyes as a small smirk formed on his lips.

"The only person I'm pointing a gun at is you." Snapped the Sheriff.

"Then you better make it a perfect shot, Sheriff," Peter stated his claws crowing. "because I don't go down easy." He growled.

"I'm willing to bet that a bullet between the eyes doesn't heal real fast..." Smirked the Sheriff. "Not even for your kind." He said.

"Hey guys cmon. Knock it off." Beth snapped putting Jordan's gun down.

"This department's getting more corrupted by the second. What are you going to charge me with, Sheriff?" He asked toluene his head. "How are you going to explain this to a judge? Telepathic girl overhears thoughts of comatose werewolf and decides to enact his plans for retribution? Hmm." He said clicking his tongue. "They're gonna be pointing a gun at your head and asking you to go quietly." He said smiling. The Sheriff frowned and the sound of his gun clicking could be heard. Beth took a step beside the Sheriff skating her head. She put a hand on his gun and slowly put it down.

"Let him go." She said softly. "We have to." Beth finished with a frown as she watched the smug Peter.

"I'd  take the word of a Lizard and Banshee, Sheriff. I leave. No trigger  pulled. No blood shed." Peter said inching towards the door.

"That's twice, Peter. There's not gonna be a third." Snapped Beth as she glared at him.

Meredith suddenly stood. "No. It's not finished. No, it's not finished! No! It's not... It's not finished!" She screamed.


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