His head is down low as if he's trying to hide himself.

I tap his shoulder and he jumps, "Marcel?"

"I-I'm sorry I'll move" he mumbles looking down as he begins to grab his stuff.

I stop him by lightly grabbing his shoulder and he jumps again, "Wait no I.. you can sit there, I was just saying hi." I smile. "Looks like we have a period together!

"What?" He looks at me confused "D-Do.. umm do y-you know who I am?"

I raise my eyebrow, "Um yes Marcel.. I do."

"Jackie what are you doing?!" Abbie says from the back of the room.

"What does it look like? I'm talking with Marcel!" I gesture.

Everyone stops what they're doing and watches the conversation.

"Why? He's a nerd!" She looks disgusted.

"Um excuse you! You don't even know him," I snap.

"But he's ugly"

"So is your attitude right now. Now sit down!" I yell at her.

Everyone snickers as she sits down with a roll of her eyes. What is with everyone being a douche today?

Marcel looks up with me a wide eyes and an open mouth.

I sit down next to him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I- sorry." He looks down embarrassed.

"It's fine, I was just wondering. So how's your first day?" I ask with a smile.

"Um. I've b-been here for 3 w-weeks."

My smile falls.

What? Why have I never noticed him?!

"It's o-okay. I'm used to being invisible." He shows a small smile.

"I'm so sorry! Why have I never noticed you?" I ask.

He just gently shrugs.

"You seem like a p-pretty occupied person.."


I frown to myself. I feel so bad.

He tries to smile to brighten the mood but I can tell he's still confused and uncomfortable about something.

"Is something wrong?" I say slowly.

"I-I just.. no," he shakes his head.

The bell then rings. So I go off to my seat in the back.

"Everyone take your seats. I'm giving out a worksheet of problems, and I want it done and turned in by the end of the period. Take one and pass it back. This is a grade" He grumbles as he then plops back down on his chair.

When I get my paper, I look at it one time and groan. I can't do half of these. The rest of the class groans at their paper too.

"What are you all groaning at? It's not that damn hard," Mr. Harvey grumbles.

"No one can do this shit," I say motioning to the paper.

"Well Marcel seems to be zooming right through it, so I must have a group of idiots for my class," he says.

"But god, not everyone's as smart as that fucking nerd-"

"Chill out Tommis!" I hiss.

"I suggest you all better partner up and put your tiny brains together to make one then because this is due by the end of the period," he shrugs.

Everyone gets up and tries to run to Marcel and began to circle around him but I stop them,

"HEY! Back your asses up, that's MY friend. Find someone else," I snap as I walk over to Marcel.

Everyone sighs and goes to partner up with other people.

Marcel looks really uncomfortable and nervous as I sit down in the seat next to him. I pull our desks close.

"Hey Marcel," I smile.

"Hi," he says really quiet.

"Can you help me with my math sheet?" I ask "I have like a C in this class and I'm pretty sure you probably have an A"

He nods, "y-yeah."

We then get started on doing each problem, Marcel walking me through each. Some were more difficult than others. There's 40 problems. But he was really sweet and patient with me.

We were on #36 right now,

"We h-have 4 periods together," he blurted out of nowhere.


"What? You serious?" I ask

"P.E., Math, B-Biology, and Study Hall," he whispers.

I hope he's joking..

"But in Biology-"

"You usually are asleep or t-talking so I see w-why you wouldn't notice me.." He says.

"What about Study Hall.." I trail off.

"You're always.... occupied w-with Zayn," he whispers.

I kind of laugh to myself when I realize how he's talking about how Zayn always pulls me in the back of the library into a make out session. Sometimes more.

It's really no secret what we do back there.

"Oh.. and P.E.?" I question.

"I u-usually try to keep a low profile and stay in the corner. S-sports aren't my best," he quietly says embarrassed. "I believe I'm failing"

I suddenly got an idea.


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OMFG THE BSE VIDEO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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