Chapter 16

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Finally, after much stress and lack of writing inspiration, i give you the long-awaiting 16th chapter of Breaking Free! *Wipes brow*

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Chapter 16

(Sky/Alan's POV)

So here I am, sitting on the single plush chairs in Chase's hotel suite, eating chicken curry while watching some random movie on the flat screen. Nothing unusual, except for me being in Chase's hotel suite with Chase sitting by the desk and working over a few papers and folders for work as if it's completely normal for the both of us to be in a hotel room by ourselves. He already finished eating his room service meal, the dirty dishes placed on the little metal cart that was brought up when one of the workers gave us our food. Chase was the one who answered of course. I couldn't bear to even look at a person without doubting myself and freaking out a bit.

I sighed, chewing on the mildly spicy chicken I picked up with my fork. I'm regressing back to my old, cowardly self. When Chase asked if I wanted to go to a restaurant to eat, I almost blanched at the idea. There will be people, people who will be staring at me, judging me. Because of Jack's betrayal, I’m beginning to question myself, my appearance, personality, everything. Is everyone showing me a facade to hide their negative thoughts about me? Was everything a lie? Is everyone lying to me? Am I repulsive enough to force others to cheat on me? Am I never going to be able to love again? I don't know, but all the insecurities are piling up inside me, suffocating me until I feel as if I can't breathe.

My eyes began to get blurry, my head feeling light. It wasn't until Chase turned around and glanced at me, then dashed over to shake me that I knew something was wrong. His eyes were wide, frightened by what he has seen, although I don't know why.

“Alan, you need to breathe.” Chase urged me, slightly panicking.

I wasn't breathing? I sucked in a breath and coughed it out, gasping as my lungs expanded and contracted from speed and amount of air I’m taking in. I blinked in shock. I really wasn't breathing. No wonder why Chase ran up to me as if his life depended on it. If he didn't notice a few minutes later than he did, I don't think I would have been conscious or possibly alive. Even I didn't notice, and I’m the one who's not breathing.

I haven't had one of these episodes in a long time, almost two years to be exact. The last time I had it, was when I was going back to my place after finishing my college classes for the day.

It was a bit dark due to daylight savings time and I was heading to my car. There was barely anyone out at this time, but usually there would be at least one or two people heading to the parking lot with me. Today, there wasn't so being alone was kind of eerie. I was only a few feet away from my car when someone grabbed me from behind, a hand slapped onto my mouth when I sucked in a breath to scream in terror. One of my arms was hooked by the hand covering my mouth, the other pinned onto my car.

“Shhhh.... don't scream okay? If you don't scream then I won't hurt you yah?” The stranger said in a rough, low voice. It was very throaty and about as smooth as gravel.

I nodded, tears streaming down my face as my body trembled violently from the contact, especially since it's a man who is pinning me to my car.

“Good. Now, I want you to follow me and not make any sounds that will alert someone.” He instructed as he pulled me out of the parking lot, towards the shadowy parts of the buildings.

As he continued to bring me towards the buildings, my mind was in complete chaos, running towards all the negative scenarios that will happen to me if I don't escape or do something, but what can I do? I'm tired, weary from the amount of energy I spent today. There was barely any juice left. But I have to do something. But what? What can I do?

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