teenage life Love triangle

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Chapter 1 knowing bout one nite is not a secret anymore

Kamari point of view

It was a bright but hot morning when Kamari arouse from her comfortable purple bed and ran very quickly to bathroom. She had been doing this for a couple of weeks. Kamari was begun to panic because she have not been on her period in a 2 months.  So she did the best thing she txt her best friend Alyson and Tanz. It readAlii n Tanz meet at the school in the bathroom downstairs at school big news got tell u. ~Rock star  Kam Bish~  Kamari clean up took a shower got dress and put on a min skirt with her purple Cami with sparkles and black flats with bow. She then just put her head in a lazy ponytail with purple headband. She applied a little lip gloss and applied just a little bit of light purple makeup. She then headed down the stairs to her white marble kitchen to eat breakfast. Then out the door she went.

When Kamari arrived to rosemary Roosevelt high she felt like all eyes were on her and that eyes followed her everywhere as she walked down the long hallways to the down stairs bathroom. When she gets in the bathroom it’s completely empty she was expecting her Bff to be there. She then waits a few minutes to tell her best friends the news. It felt like they were never going to get there when the bathroom door spilled open with a big bang and both of her best friends was standing in the doorway.  Her best friend Tanz was on the left who was mocha dark skin with smooth skin. Tanz hair was in a short boob with honey blonde highlights and she had on a basic cut but formal shirt with some skinny jeans with some cute hills. Her other Bff   Alli was on the right who was the supper tall skinny model with the red hair and gray sparkling eyes. She wore a off the shoulder stripe yellow dress with flats.  They both gather around Kamari as she was about to bear the news. The 2 girls saw the terror in Kam eyes they question what she about to say. Kam then reach out a brown paper bag very slowly. Both girls very confused and curious stared at their best friend when she pulled a pregnancy test out the brown bag.  The 2 girls gasped at their best friend and both of them shook their heads. Alli said no you can’t be pregnant maybe it was something you ate or something. Tanz said I don’t believe my Bff had sex you are a goody two shoes and you didn’t tell us.  Maybe, you should just go pee on the stick. So Kam walks to restroom stall very slowly and terrified that she might be pregnant.   She goes in the restroom pees on the sick and Alli sets her phone stopwatch for 30 min. the phone beeps real load and the girls prepare themselves for the result that’s on the test. The test said that she was pregnant and Kam began bursting out in tears. She said what I’m going do I’m too young to take care of a baby I can barely take care of myself. How about you go see a doctor because it’s no way that test is right said Alli. Who is the father they both ask at the same time. Looking everywhere but at her 2 best friends she says lets go to class. So they all start falling out the bathroom one by one when they turn and see this boy going up the hallway. They then notice that the boy was the bad boy of the school .He 6’7 foot with a six pack and a fresh cut with 2 dimples that are very deep.  He has on a blue Hollister shirt with some cargo shorts with converse sneakers. He was walking  straight pass them when he notice Kam he walks toward her winks  and says I can’t forget that special moment we had together at  camp.  Kam just looking shocked as he walks away Alii and tanz put to and to together and gasped.  Alli says please tell me it isn’t him that you did it with Kam.

Sanchez point of view

I woke up and it was like any other Moring boring tiring but today I had to go school. I arrived at school just walking the long hallways as I please. I skipping first period wich was band because I was bored and we dont really do anything in there . Then I seen the girl I had a special time with this summer with two of her friends. I mean this girl was different from any other girl. She was like fragile as flower but as beautiful as ever. She was supper short long shiny black hair that goes pass her shoulders almond shaped hazel eyes small pouty lips and cute as a button nose . I meant she was even better looking than my current girlfriend.  She look so nervous like I special night. I thought I should remind her of the night we had.  Then there this other girl name Isabella she cute to but she not really my type. My girfriend was average and me her were alike in many ways becauese we both mess around ith other peopel. we didnt really care who we hurted and why we just did it just because. we really didnt know how to love .

Kamari point of view

After a long hard day of school Kam gets a call from a private number . she discover its from the new boy who just got transferd into her math class name Kemdre Kennth. they were having a long conversation wich kam need about school and many diffrent other things  kemdre said would you like to go on date with me this satuday. kam was so excited that she said no wihout a hesitation. she then called her 2 bestfriend but they had bad newws for her. somehow  everyboy heard about her been pregtant . Kam was supper upset she ask how did they found out . they said someone over heard them talking and thats how it got around but thtats not the true . Kam emeny kamoriah spread the rumor. Kam as so upset that she forgot to tell the girls the good news.

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