Louis screamed in agony either by the pain erupted through his bruised back or his bloody knuckles. Maybe at the poor luck of his miserable destiny.

He leaned against the tree trunk which now was covered with his patches of blood.

"Stop this nonsense. No son of mine will be this weak!" His father raised the whip to hit him again. But the boy soon pulled back in fear and tried his utmost to 'train'.

He couldn't help but look up at the sky wondering what had he done so malevolent to deserve this... Mister Winston's teary eyes and blood flashed in his mind and he tried punching a couple of times more hoping to punish himself of the unforgettable crime he had committed before his body gave up in exhaustion.


"Aaarghh!" Louis groaned trying to block out the moans coming from his father's whore and failing miserably. He banged his father's bedroom door "Keep It Down, You Fucker."

Huffing in annoyance at the response which was louder moans, he stomped all the way to the forest and started punching a tree. His knuckles had now become rough with scars and also used to the pain since he was doing this for five years to make himself stronger and his grip firmer.

Louis hated his father, he hated his life, he hated his talent, hated himself and basically everything except wining. And that's why he had to put up with his arsehole of a father to win the game he has been planning since his family's death.

His father was many things, but a loser was definitely not it. Desire of seeking revenge was the only thing he shared with his father and his father was the only way he could achieve that or else he would have killed him long ago relieving the world. But, his despicable mind had better plans.


Louis smirked seeing that his opponent even though probably twice as huge as him was fucking stupid and he thought why defeat when he can kill him saving his miserable life due to his lack of sensibility in fighting skills. The fucker would be honored to be killed by Louis William Tomlinson, the 22 year old deadliest swordsman in whole of Doncaster who had only one demand while fighting that it has to end up with either him or his opponent/opponents standing alive. He spared lives of only those who begged him and bowed down before him, boosting his ego.

Watching life drain out of one's eyes had stop affecting him long go, cause afterall you need to have a soul to know what's it like when it's taken away.

He looked around the cheering crowd and the Cheshire King who was looking down at him sitting far away from the crowd with a challenging glint in his eyes. There were two empty chairs besides him probably for his wife or kids.

"Are you ready, pretty boy?" The giant idiot laughed underestimating Louis. And he loved it, proving him false was going to be exhilarating.

Louis cracked his knuckles and arched his back warming up, which he didn't even bother doing this morning since he loved his slumber and his face more. His beauty sleep was way important! He rolled his eyes running forward blocking the attack which the giant idiot swung at him-so predictable-with his shield and jumped before stabbing him behind the neck.

The giant idiot fell down on the ground and the crowd suddenly got silent and Louis wiped the blood with the back of his hand before spitting next to the dead body's head and looked around, he yelled in a firm voice, "Was he seriously the best you had!?" there was a pin drop silence among everyone, no one had ever dare to speak to the king like that and Louis knew it. Now, it was his turn to smile challenging at the King whose death was written in Louis's hand but for the time being, he needs to be patient and with everything in his body he held back the urge to finish the king with his own bare hands, so he added, "Your majesty."

"Not if you decide to join." The king said to himself before Louis went up to him internally check marking his first part of the plan. He smirked at the king who had no idea that Louis had heard him and what awaited for him.

With a not so discreet smirk, Louis turned his head towards the sunlight hitting a spot, brightening it, as if streak of illumination making it's path in his dark heart. A boy with mop of curls sitting next to the king caught his attention making him wonder, will it really feel as soft as it looks, he was covering his face with his huge hands and Wow! Louis wondered how those hands would feel wrapped around his cock. He realized it was the prince by the crown on his luscious locks. He held back his laugh at the bewildered prince's action of seeing a simple kill. Gosh! The innocence really turned him on. As Curly removed his hands, Louis's breath got caught in his throat, this has to be the most beautiful creature he's seen in his whole life. His eyes widened a bit noticing how the green in them was evident due to the light and his full, soft pink lips and pale skin. Something moved inside of him and he quickly diverted his attention to the king ignoring the urge to look back at the curly headed angel.

"I'm impressed" the king said and he saw the prince giving his father a shocked look. "So those rumors were true. You are one of the best warrior I've come across."

"Thank you, your majesty." Louis bowed down, amused by the prince's pouty face, he was way more childish than he expected him to be.

"Best. He's one of the greatest!" Some blonde bloke next to the king spoke up sitting on his other side in Irish accent that Louis had yet to notice. "That. Was. Awesome!" And Louis hated him less immediately. 
"Yes, indeed it was. For your remarkable performance I would like to offer you an opportunity to assist the army and as a personal trainer to my son." The prince's eyes widened as his jaw hung low in surprise and Louis cracked a smile at his double victory.

"It would be an honor to serve you." and also drain your blood, he thought and looked at the prince who visibly shuddered and gulped in fear. Louis bit his lip to stop his smirk seeing the prince's reaction who was now staring at him. He could see from the corner of his eyes the prince glancing at his lips and Louis had to think about his father's naked body to stop himself from getting hard. He knows you should never play with your prey, but Louis was never the one to follow rules and thought why not make this revenge more interesting, after all wrecking a royalty was going to be an experience he will gain profit both ways.

"I'll personally take care of the prince." He smiled viciously thinking about how the king would react to him taking away his son's innocence just the way the king had taken away his everything.
He turned his head to look directly in those doe eyes.

Even gods have caved, villains were willed in to be saved, ugliest monsters get to be claimed, all it takes is a beauty for a beast to be tamed, and when the innocent prince locked his gaze with the man who was filled with vengeance and bought in a shimmer of harmless lust, Ha! Would fate really to be blamed?

Hope you like that. (as for those who have read this before, this is a new prologue)

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