A Stupid Arrow, a Late Night Horse Ride, and the Actual Geico Commercial

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A Stupid Arrow, a Late Night Horse Ride, and the Actual Geico Commercial

William Johnson is dead- and with him the Templar plot to steal the land Connor's village stood on. But in Connor and me ending this threat, we revealed another. On his body, Connor found a letter addressed to John Pitcarn, containing orders to root out and destroy territory Patriot weapons and supplies. Should he succeed in this, the colonists will be unable to maintain their resistance and the Templars would surely have taken control. So long as Pitcarn lived, the danger remained. We needed to find him. He needed to die. I knew my time was running low as well.

A few days later, Connor and I were in the basement on a lazy evening. I was sitting at the table in front of the portraits of the Templars. William Johnson's portrait was crossed out with white chalk over it and notes of his plan next to it smudged away, now only a faint memory. My feet were propped up next to the small lit candle that illuminated my face while I sharpened my favorite knife. Connor stood in front of the table studying the portraits silently figuring out a plan, no doubt.

Out of the silence, we heard the creaking of the old wooden steps as Achilles made his way slowly down into the basement towards us. He joined Connor as they both studied the pictures of the Templars.

Connor spoke first. "I thought it might bring clarity. Or instill a sense of accomplishment. But all I feel is regret."

"Hold fast to that," Achilles sighed. "Such sacrifices must never come lightly."

"I had to do it," Connor muttered. "Not only for my people, but for others Johnson would have harmed."

"It's a start," said Achilles. "But to truly be rid of the Templar influence, all of them must be dealt with in turn. Even your father."

"I know," Connor snapped.

"You speak the words, but do you believe them?" Achilles left the question hanging in the silence. Then, there was a knock at the door. "Seems we've company."

The three of us made our way up the stairs. Achilles opened the door to find a messenger standing there a letter in his hand.

"What is it?" Connor asked as he approached the door.

"A request from Paul Revere," Achilles said reading through the letter. "Seems the Redcoats are up to something in Boston. Guess you two made an impression on the Sons of Liberty."

"They mistake us for their own?" I said.

Connor stepped forward. "Please tell Mister Revere he has our sympathies, but we cannot help at present."

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs as I said, "John Pitcarn will be there."

Connor turned to look at me then to Achilles who still had the letter.

"She is right," Achilles agreed still looking down at the letter. "John Pitcarn is mentioned by name."

"Where am I to go?" Connor asked turning back to the courier.

I put my hands on my hips as I said, "Uh, hello?"

Connor waved a hand in front of my face as he focused on the courier who said, "Mister Revere's house. If you like I can-"

But Connor didn't want to know more; he simply pushed past him and walked towards the stables.

I walked up to the courier and said, "Thank you, sir." Then, I ran off to join Connor pulling my hood over my head.


We made it to Boston quickly and used the letter to find Paul Revere's house. I was riding ahead of Connor so I tied my horse first and entered the house.

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