An Explosion, a Cave, and a French Accent

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An Explosion, a Cave, and a French Accent

"Come on is that all you got, Ponytail?"

"You wish, Rainbow Head!" Connor thrusted his sword forward at me again.

I blocked his blow pushing his blade aside. My first official week here and Achilles was already pushing me to train with Connor in our spare time. When we weren't training or doing little missions, Connor had taken me around to get to know everyone on the Homestead which led to more missions. Though I already knew who everyone was on the Homestead and how Connor came to find them, it was nice to meet them in person. I was already very fond of Mariam, she reminded me of my mother in a way but I thought of her as a friend.

Anyways, back to Ponytail and Rainbow Head. Connor, with his long raven black hair and multi-colored beads, had most of his hair pulled back in a small ponytail in the back of his head. I had gotten into the habit of calling him, Ponytail. It wasn't my fault that the top of my head was a permanent rainbow! The top layers of my mostly pale blond hair, which was parted mostly to the left, starts out in a faded red which blends into an orange all the way down to a light pink that started to grow last year. Unfortunately, Connor found this funny and started calling me Rainbow Head because of it.

I blew a few loose strands of red hair from my face as Connor regained his ground. "This is child's play!" I yelled with laughter at Connor bopping him in the face when his arm was across his chest after I held it down his blade with mine. I could tell he was getting frustrated. So I persisted. "You know what would be really good, is music. I used to always practice with music." Connor's sword came down on me. I tilt mine at a diagonal angle above my head to block the blow. "I'll take that as a, no."

"You bet," Connor said dodging my blow that would have taken out his head. "I do not know how you can listen to that noise you call music. And I am not child's play!"

Connor thrusted his sword forward so fast and so far forward that I'm completely caught off guard, I bend so far backwards that the blade tip nearly misses the top of my black tank top but pulls up the red cord of the amulet from within my shirt and rips it free from my neck. I caught the green out of the corner of my eye as it rolls across the floor.

"What is that?" Connor pointed to my amulet lying on the floor a few yards away.

"Nothing," I say quickly but when I went down for it, Connor was too fast for me and got to it first. I toppled onto the floor dropping my sword when I dove for it.

"Connor, give that back!" I shouted getting to my feet as I ran towards him.

When I tried to grab it from him, he held it high above his head and unfortunately for me, he had the height advantage.

"This isn't funny!" I shouted literally climbing up his side as he holds me back with his free hand and arm.

"Actually it kind of is," Connor said as he laughed.

I groaned, disgusted.

"Just tell me what it is and I will give it back to you," he said laughing harder.

"No!" I protested.

Getting an idea, I came up from behind him and jumped on his back wrapping my legs around his waist as I reached for the amulet.

"Hey!" Connor shouted as he la "Get off me!"

"Never!" I shout, I too was laughing by this point. The amulet was just within my reach...


Connor couldn't take the extra weight but he thankfully was smart and we fell to the side. I rolled off of him and we laid on our backs laughing.

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