chapter 18

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maddy's pov 

"baby wake up "


"wake up it's your birthday i wanna give you your present "


"fine i'll just tell marc anthony to leave "

"omg ! you got marc anthony to come "

"no "


"but atleast i got you to wake up happy birthday baby girl "

"thanks justin"

he leaned in to give me a kiss but iturned so he will kiss my cheek 

" hey what was that for "

"because you told me that you got marc anthony here but you didn't and second of all i haven't brushed my teeth "


"so i'm not going to kiss you because i haven't brushed my teeth and cause you told me that my idol was here my spanish idol he inspired me to start singing you know" 

" i'm sorry baby i want my kiss "

" no "

" hmmpp... and i never knew you were spanish  "

"yupp my mom is my real dad is canadian "

"oh ok  i still want my kiss "

"maybe after i brush my teeth "

 i said going into my bathroom 

"really ?"

"no" i said spitting out the tooth paste 

"meanie "

"awee. come on grow up "

"no "

"okay have it your way " i said leaveing the bathroom 

" where do you thing your going " jsutin said grabbing me by the waist 

 " i was going to wish my twin a happy birthday " 

" no your not "

" and why not ? "

"cause i'm getting my good morning kiss "

"you already got a good morning kiss "

"when ? "

"at midnight "

"i did ? "

"yea when you snuck into my room "

"oh yea "  

2 hours later  

" hey babe you ready " 

"yup "

" where are you going ? " liz asked 

"justin is taking me out for lunch "

"oh okay have fun "

 "i will "

" bye" 

after lunch justin took me to his house when we walked in liz,ryan,chaz and brittany was there 

"happy brithday maddy ! " brittany came up and hugged me 

" thanks " i hugged back 

then ryan and chaz gave me a hug 

"maddy we have to go "

" what do you mean we have to go we just got here "

"i mean that we have to go unless you don't want your present " he said holding out his hand for me to take 

"awee.. Justin i told you not to get me anything " i said taking his hand 

" we'll be back later peace .... " and he closed the door 

"where are we going ? "

"to get your present "

" didn't i tell you not to get me anything "

"yea "

"well "

"i wanted to get you something "

"but justin "

"no buts now let's go we're here "

"what are we doing at the human society "

" well i have to get somthing before i get your present it'll just take a minute "

" okay  "

"hi how can i help you ? " 

" hi can we see the animals you have "

" yeah sure right this way "

"thanks "

"awee... look at this cute puppy that's the cutest golden retrever ever awwe.. Justin look "

"awweee... yay she is cute "

"it's a he " 

" oh sorry "

"hey babe do you like him ? "

"yea he's adorable "

"we'll take him "

"nice your getting a puppy i already know what you should name him "

"i'm not getting a puppy you are "

"awee... this cutie is going home with me "

"yes i am "

" jusitn i was talking about the dog "

"right "

"okay so if your taking him home you need to fill these out "

"okay "

" oh and she has to sign here" 

"oh okay justin can you hold scrappy for me "

"sure "

" there you go "

"thanks "

" bye "

"bye "

10 mins later  

" so why did you decide to call him scrappy ? " justinsaid walking up his drive way

"when i was little i always wanted to have a dog and i said i was going to name my dog scrappy if i ever had one "

"oh so like scrappy from scooby doo scooby's nephew "

"yea exactly "

" nice" 

" yea so what are we doing back at your hosue ? "

"well we have to get your sis "

"okay "

we walked in and chaz and liz were making out 

"ewww... bro get a room " justinsaid covering his eyes 

chaz and liz ulled away quickly and liz was blushing how cute 

"bro you had to ruin the moment "

"sorry bro but we have to get these two next door "

"why ? "

jsutin gave him a look 

"oh yea "

" yea dumb ass let's go " 

chapter 19 soon :P

Does he know? (previously known as Twins, a Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now