chapter 9

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maddy's pov

"last night was amazing" i said looking at my twin

" really" she said turning around from doing her makeup

" yes really it was beautiful and romantic "

"did he kiss you yet ? "


"what ? i'm just curious "

"no he didn't not yet "

"oh "

" why ? "

"nothing i was just wondering "

"oh ok "

"mads can i ask you something" thats her nickname for me 

" yea sure what's up ? "

"well what if i told you that i liked someone too but i don't know if they liked me back ? "

"well whose that someone we're talking about ? " i asked alittle curious myself 

"umm.... chaz " she whispered the last part so i couldn't understand her 

"what i can't hear you ? "

"chaz "

" you like chaz aww... thats cute " i said happily 

" yes now sush it woould you he's going to hear you "

" sorry sorry i'll shut up "

"good "

"now why wouldn't chaz like you "

"well cause i don't know maybe i'm not his type and we are friends wouldn't it be werid if we started dating ? "

"no i don't think so i mean look at me and justin it did take him a while to ask me out but he finally did it "

"i know but your nothing compared to me "

"what do you mean ?"

"well justin likes sports you like sports i don't even know how to play any you and justin both like miami heat and like to watch that basketball team on tv ... i don't even understand the game you and justin are both song writers and you are both musicians you two have alot of things in common me and chaz have nothing in common "

"well i guess your right you never know if chaz likes a girly girl like you "

"trust me he doesn't i've been friends with him for a long time "

"how do you even like chaz with the pig he is at eating and yet he's still skinny "

"hey don't be mean to chaz "

"sorry "

"now where are you going all dressed up like that? "

"like what "

"with shorts and a t-shirt "

"i'm going out with brittany and the boys to play beach volley-ball wanna come? "

"no thanks "

"you sure ? "

"yea "

"okay i'll be at the beach if you need me oh and i'm bringing my cell too so call if you need anything "

"okay have fun"

"thanks "

thanks for reading guys <3 -val

Does he know? (previously known as Twins, a Justin Bieber love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat