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It's been a few weeks since I moved back home and it feels amazing but all good things have to come to an end. Next week is the week that we're moving off to college, you know the whole normal going to college thing. I'm surprised that Justin wanted to join me on this, I mean he's a pop sensation and he's taking time off of touring the world after his purpose album dropped to go to school. Let me tell you, he has been having a rough time lately ever since him and his ex broke up it left him broken. So when the opportunity to take time off of touring the world and going off to college came he took it in a heartbeat, I guess he knew he needed it. I was supportive of his discission, especially since he wanted to go into marketing at UOM. He has always had a thing for the business world and I think this is going to be very good for him. He has to figure out who he is outside of the fame, sure he has his childhood best friends Ryan my amazing and Chaz that he still hangs out with but it isn't the same he's still 'Popstar Justin Bieber'.  Ryan and Chaz already attend UOM. Ryan is going for a Degree in Psychology and Chaz is getting a degree in nursing so Justin isn't completely alone. I know for a fact that he is going to be just fine. 

" Babe " I heard Ryan say as I picked up the phone 

" Hey you," I said with a smile on my face. Ryan and I have been dating for the past 4 years and with every day that passes my love for him grows even deeper

" So the movers will be at your house on Sunday morning for move-in day is there anything you need me to bring you ?" He asked 

" No, just your beautiful behind," I said smiling 

" Is that Ryan?" Justin asked walking into my room and sitting beside me on my bed 

I nodded 

" I need to talk to him," he said grabbing the phone away from me and walking out of the room 

I just sat there glaring at the door, sighing I got up and headed out the door of my room and down the hallway to where Maddy's room was 

" Hey," I said walking over to sit on her bed 

Hey and Adrian were on the bed talking 

" Hey" They replied in union 

" You guys excited to live together?" I asked 

" Duh, we've been dreaming of this day since we were in kindergarten," Adrian said smiling over at her childhood best friend 

Adrian and Maddy have been best friends since we were younger and I'm so glad Maddy had her when I wasn't here to be there for her. 


Edited on 08/22/19

Does he know? (previously known as Twins, a Justin Bieber love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz