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It's finally moving day, Ryan got here at 6 am and I opened the door in my pj's with a cup of coffee in my hand and with no makeup on my face. 

" I've never seen you look so beautiful," Ryan said walking into the house while giving me the most butterfly erupting in your stomach kiss. 

" Wow," I said breathing heavy as put his forehead against mine 

" That was one hell of a kiss" I heard a voice say causing us to break from our little bubble and focus our attention to the person behind us 

" Chaz!" I yelled going over and wrapping my arms around him as he lifted me up and spun me around 

" It's a party so early in the morning," Maddy said walking down the stairs and into the living room 

"Woah dude whos that ?" I heard Chaz say to Ryan taking in my sister's appearance. Don't get me wrong my sister has an amazing body with her olive skin tone and brown hair, especially since she plays all these sports and she also goes to the gym and lifts weights hence the amazing bod my sis has. 

" That is my sister," I said looking over a Chaz with a smirk on my face 

" What about your sister?" Maddy said walking over to us with a cup of coffee in her hand 

" Uh, Maddison this is Chaz, Ryan's and Justin's best friend," I said motioning over to Chaz 

" Nice to meet you Justin's and Ryan's best friend," She said smiling and extended her hand to shake Chaz' hand 

" You have an amazing smile," Chaz said shaking her hand with a small blush on his face 

" Why does Chaz look like a tomato?" Justin said walking into the living room where we were all gathered around 

" Cause he thinks that Maddison has an amazing smile" Ryan spoke up from beside me while pretending to flip is hair 

" Piss off," Chaz said while going over and giving Justin a man hug 

" Shall we get to packing up the rest of our things and putting them into the truck?" Maddy said getting up from her seat and heading up the stairs 

The rest of us following suit, after about 4 hours or so we were all packed up and saying goodbye to my parents and my brothers.

Here's to a new chapter of our lives 


edited 8/22/19

Does he know? (previously known as Twins, a Justin Bieber love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat