Fight For Me- Epilogue

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            “I do,” he said, his eyes sparkling as he looked at his beautiful bride. I’d never been more proud of my brother in his entire life then when he decided that he wanted to marry Jess. Of course she had forgiven me, as everyone in my family had. Right now I was standing next to her as she looked at my brother, eyes full of love. My own eyes drifted towards Scott. He looked so incredibly sexy in his tux. I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room. As slutty as that sounds. I almost laughed at my own thoughts.

            But it’s cool, I can get away with thinking those things about my husband.

            As if sensing my thoughts, Scott looked at me and winked. The look we exchanged made so many promises for later.

            I had to stifle a laugh.

            “Babe. Babe. Honey. Baby. Freddy. Babe. Hey bitch!” Scott yelled in my ear. Don’t even ask how bitch becomes an acceptable pet name.

            “Hey asshole, I’m trying to sleep,” I mumbled, ignoring him.

            “But but but but…” I could almost see his face. “Don’t make me go get back up!”

            That woke me up. I shot up. “Don’t you dare wake him! I finally got him to bed at 12 o’clock last night and if he doesn’t get at least 9 hours he is a train wreck!”

            He laughed. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to. I just wanted to wake you up.”

            “I hate you sometimes,” I glared at him, shaking my head. But it was true. Our son Wes was my baby. He was my weakness. I’m his mama bear.

            “Happy anniversary!” he announced as he pulled a box out of his pocket. He was standing on his knees next to the bed in front of me. I racked my brain. Today wasn’t our anniversary?

            “Babe, what are you talking about? Our anniversary isn’t until 2 months from now…”

            “Nooo, 8 years ago today was the first time we ever kissed. Well, we ever kissed each other willingly,” he smiled and I couldn’t help but laugh. I smiled at my husband who looked like he had been up for hours. I was so very in love with him.

            “You’re so corny,” I laughed.

            “What can I say, you bring out the best in me,” he smiled cheekily. He handed me the black velvet box and I opened it.

            It was empty. I laughed.

            “Scott? There’s nothing in here.”

            “’Cause you’re already wearing it,” he smiled and reached towards my neck, fingering the necklace that I now noticed was there. I looked down, catching sight of a small shell that I somehow knew came from our trip to California years ago. In the middle was a tiny diamond, but it was enough for me.

            “It’s beautiful,” I said and kissed him before he could say anything else.

            I had never been happier.

So yes, my story is finally finished. I'm happy with the way it turned out. I know it's not very popular at all, but I'm still proud of how much my writing has gotten better since I've started. But yeah, thank you to every one who continued to read this and such :)

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