Triwizard Cup ~ Part 2 ~

Start from the beginning

Excited cheers filled Tom's ears, but he shrugged them off and ran into the forest in a hurry. He dodged trees and vines as he made his way, not knowing where to go. But, then he remembered about the poem.

"Green grass," he muttered to himself, before stepping around a spiders web. In the depth of the forest, weird gurgling of noises filled his senses and he cautiously raised his wand.

"Lumos," he whispered, allowing light fill his dark surroundings. A scream of a girls voice was heard atleast about 200 meters away in front of him and he jumped slightly at the suddenness. Birds stirred in the tree tops before they squawked and flew away in a heap.

Before long he made his way around danger and traps and fund a clearing. Three wooden poles sat in the middle as 2 people were tied up to them, one of them inevitably being Flora Nightingale. He noted that the girl which he was versing had already come here, but he didn't know what had happened to her. But, Tom's attention was soon drawn into a stone figure with a marble axe in his hands.

"Choose the one on the far right. Only one person, do not untie two otherwise you'll face consequences," the grumbling of the figures voice spoke. Tom rolled his eyes at the statue before running over to Flora who was slumped into the pole, her brown curly hair covering her face. Tom quickly untied the ropes from around her small wrists and combed her hair away from her face with her fingers.

"Flora," he spoke, trying to get the girls attention, but she was unconscious. He sighed as he stood up and pulled his wand from his robe. His blue eyes gleamed with need as he spoke. "Rennervate" he casted. The brown haired beauty stirred in her deep sleep. She came to her senses and tiredly got up before opening her brown eyes.

"Where are we Tom?" Flora asked, her brown eyes glancing furiously around her.

"The Forbidden Forrest," he answered before a red flare went into the sky. "Someone's gone to the infirmary. Common lets go before the other gets here" he spoke. Flora nodded in response before following him.

"Has anything happened which is dangerous yet?" Flora called out after him. Tom slowed down to a halt at the edge of the clearing before answering her as she was now beside him.

"No," he answered, before gripping onto her wrist as he stepped into the forest and out of the clearing. Immediately howls filled their ears and their eyes widened as Tom dragged Flora with him. "You jinxed us Nightingale. Stop with that face and actually RUN!" he yelled.They made their ways over fallen tree trunks. The howls seemed to echo and rebound off of the greenery surrounding them.

Their heartbeats pounded in rhythm for each step they took. Flora spluttered endless profanities as she ran. In a split second their pace quickly stopped as a huge wolf pranced in front of them. It bared it's fangs as it nuzzled it's head to the side to get a better view of the two.

"Flora," Tom's voice was dangerously low as he spoke. "When I place this spell, we run as fast as we can okay?" he questioned. Flora gulped, but nethertheless she nodded in acceptance as the wolf snarled again. Bringing their attention quickly onto the mahogany fur coated wolf.

"Aqua Eructo," he spoke, pointing his wand in the beasts direction. Water splurged from Tom's wand as he waved it around, cynically making the wolf drench with water and being forcefully tumbled into a couple of trees. Tom stopped the spell as he ran, overtaking Flora whilst doing so. He rolled his eyes as he grasped onto her wrist, pulling her along.

Flora might've felt like a ragdoll at the time, but she didn't care. Her fingers grasped onto her wand which she had found placed in her boot awhile ago in the clearing and she huffed as she stupidly turned around. The drenched wolf gained on them as the pair ran and ran. Flora squealed, before she saw that the dark trees were getting healthier and healthier as they advanced through the forest.

"We're nearly there," Tom yelled behind his back, his eyes widening at the creature behind him and Flora. Before Tom could place a spell, Flora pointed her wand to the carnivore.

"Avifors!" Flora screamed, her wand swishing towards the target. She didn't know if she was allowed to use any spells, but at that moment she didn't really care. The drenched brown wolf suddenly stopped and crouched down on all fours as it painfully contorted with pain. It shriveled as bones cracked, her gaze widening at the pain it was experiencing. Passing the line, Tom huffed as cheers were heard.

But, Flora's gaze was on the wolf that was moving into weird places as it's bones crackled with displeasure. White feathers appeared on the mammal, before a puff of black smoke enveloped the frame of the animal. The smoke soon drifted away into nothing, leaving a dazed Flora. She knew what would happen, but she didn't think it would've been that painful for the creature.

The once dangerous beast...

Was now a bird.

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