Chapter 13

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Clary's POV
(Week 32 into pregnancy)
"Damn it." I muttered. I rolled around on the bed and tried to find my balance, but I just couldn't. "JACE!!!!!" He came racing in. "What, what is it?" He asked panicked. "I'm stuck." He took a breath of relief. "You'v e got to stop yelling at me like that, what about when you really go into labor?" I sighed. "I am sorry I just couldn't think of another way to get your attention."  I tried once more to get up from the bed, and failed. Jace laughed. "Can you stop and actually come he-" Before I could even get the rest of the words out of my mouth he plopped onto the bed and laid next to me. "By the Angel Jace what are you doing?" He just responded by kissing me. He tried to pull me in closer but my belly bump was to big. I broke away and sighed. "Man I love this baby but sometimes him to just get out. I have been eating like a whale, I have to pee every 10 seconds, I have ugly stretch marks, and now I can't even kiss you."He looked at me intensively. "Clary Fray you are beautiful as ever and besides this kid will come out sooner than you want it to."He moved down and kissed my belly. Then all the sudden I felt a tightening in my stomach. At first I though it was nothing until it happened again. "Jace." I said  in a serious tone and put my hand on his shoulder. "I think I am having contractions." He scrabbled out of the bed. "Clary this is not the time to cry wolf." "Jace I am not." I felt another one this time worse. I gasped and clenched the bed sheets in my hands. This was when Jace reliazed that I was being sincere. "Ill call Magnus." "You stay here." "Not like I have a choice."  I retorted as I gasped once again. Jace called Magnus and stood by my side letting me squeeze his hand. After waiting about 15 minutes the pain stopped. "Jace" I rubbed my belly. "It's gone I don't feel anymore pain." Then Magnus walked in. Jace looked astonished. I then had a moment of realization. "Jace help me get up." After I was finally off the bed I grabbed my pregnancy book. "There." I pointed at the page that was titled Braxton Hicks contractions. After reading this the confusion left Jace and Magnus's faces.

Jace's POV
(Still 32 weeks into pregnancy)
I was going to follow  Clary into the kitchen but Magnus pulled me aside after she left the room. "You should tell her. The longer you wait the more its going to hurt her." I had known this whole time that some bastard warlock was out for me and Clary's son, but I just could not bring myself  to tell her the terrible truth. I nodded and met Clary in the kitchen of course she was eating, Simon, Izzy, and Alec were sitting at the table as Clary stuffed her face with chips. She looked up at me when I tapped her shoulder. She looked so happy and peaceful I dreaded doing this to her. I asked her to come outside with me. We sat together on the Institute steps watching all the people pass by. "Clary" I said in a serious tone. Clary looked at me instantly, she knew something was wrong. I grabbed her hands and enfolded them into mine. "What is it?" She looked at me with big eyes. "The warlock that kidnapped Izzy is......" "Is what?" She demanded. "Out our baby." The moment it clicked in my brain that this was actually happening. I felt hot tears stream from my eyes. It took Clary a moment to even comprehend what I had just said. I got up from the steps dashing to the door, I could hear her weeping. When she got to the door she turned to me. "Why didn't you tell me!?" I could barley understand what she said she was so hysterical. "I knew it would kill you." "So when were you going to tell me, when I went into labor."Oh hey by the way someone is trying to......"" She couldn't finish the sentence. She just turned around and faced the door continuing to weep. I stood behind her. After a few seconds she turned around and fell into my arms. She buried her face into my chest. She was so hysterical it made me cry harder. She started to sink to the ground, I just kept my my arms tight around her and sunk to the ground with her. She pulled me in as close as we could her stomach getting in the way. She wrapped her hands around me neck and she leaned into my shoulder and continued to cry. So there we sat, there together crying.

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