"My phone died, and i was with a friend. We went out yesterday and she was really depressed because um her boyfriend broke up with her, you know drama" Hailey quickly made up that excuse and tried to sound as convincing as possible. Karina slowly nodded.

"Don't ever do that to me again, i swear i almost go crazy." Karina looks at her again and notices a small scar on the top of Hailey's eye. "What happened here?" She touches the scar and Hailey barely feels any pain.

"I-um, I hit my head with the door of her house, we were a little bit drunk." Hailey chuckles and Karina gets up still not convinced.

"You want some breakfast? I can make you Huevos Rancheros, you know your favorite" she wiggles her eyebrows and Hailey's stomach growls. "Yep I'm making that" Karina chuckles. Hailey felt good, being back home and being just a tiny little bit more normal.

She watched TV for a while and they sit on the small table as they eat their breakfast.

"Im going on a date tonight." Hailey says as she raises her eyebrows and smiles.

"Huh I'm guessing with the attractive guy with green eyes and really good breath?" Karina raises her eyebrows while smirking.

"How do you know he had good breath?" Hailey laughs with her eyebrows furrowed.

"You were about to kiss him, I'm guessing he had good breath."

"We ate big belly burger before coming here."

"Nasty" Karina shakes her head. "Anyway so it is him?"

"Yep his name is Barry, Barry Allen" Hailey smiles and Karina looks at her.

"He makes you happy?" Karina asks, resting her chin on her hand.

"He does" Hailey blushes.

"Then he is approved, but if he hurts you i will make sure he isn't able to have kids." Karina points at Hailey with the fork. "That's a warning"
Hailey laughs.


"God Joe what am i going to do?" Barry walks over the same spot over and over again, making Joe dizzy.

"Would you please stop doing that i think I'm going to have a headache, son" Barry stops and looks down at the ground. "And I don't know Barry, i mean Iris would love for you to go to an  actual date-" Barry gives him a look.

"I have gone to dates before"

"Blind dates that Iris has planned, doesn't count" Joe chuckles. "As i was saying, i don't know Barry. Hailey seems like a good girl so i hope that Iris will understand, but then again it's her birthday."

"You are being so helpful right now" Barry rolls his eyes and sighs. "Thanks Joe"

"You're welcome" Joe smiles and pats Barry's shoulder as he walks away.
Barry sighs again.

"I will figure it out on my own" Barry fakes a smile. Maybe it wasn't good to think about it too much, Iris has been his friend (and crush) half of his life; maybe she will understand how much Hailey means to him, after all he has been talking to Iris about Hailey.
But it was Iris's birthday, how did he forgot? how is he even going to miss it?.
While Barry thought about all of these things his phone kept ringing, it made his head ache so he chose to pick up.

"Hello you are talking to Barry Allen, currently stressed forensic scientist, how can i help you?" Barry says faking emotion in his voice as he rubbed his eyes.

"Well i hope that he isn't too stressed out to miss his best friend's birthday." Iris voice sounds happy and that makes Barry's decision even more difficult. "By the way you and my dad are such bad liars and bad surprise party planners, I am at Jitters and so far 3 people told me that they are coming to my birthday party tonight." Iris chuckles.

"Well what can i say?" Barry chuckles.

"You are coming right? It would suck without you."

"Well...." Barry trails off.

"Oh god you aren't coming."

"I have a date tonight Iris, like a real date."

"Let me guess, Hailey?" Iris scoffs and Barry starts getting annoyed.


"Well have fun" Iris hangs up and Barry stares at the phone in disbelief.
He has always been there for her, couldn't she be happy for him? After finally getting over her. He sighs again, he uses his speed to go to S.T.A.R Labs and sees Caitlin there.

"Don't you rest?" Barry jokes and Caitlin looks at him smiling.

"I could say the same to you"

"Weeell it hasn't been a great morning." Barry sits on a chair at the main desk and ruffles his hair.

"Well what happened?" Caitlin sits next to him.

"Let's just say that there's a girl, amazing to say at least and there's another girl who is my best friend and i asked the girl on a date, she said yes buuut it's my best friends birthday party tonight which by the way I totally forgot. I talked to my best friend and she basically hanged up on me" Barry rambles and Caitlin raises her eyebrows almost chuckling.

"Would it hurt you to say their names? We all know who those two girls are." Caitlin chuckles and Barry smiles. "I mean you have always been there for Iris, and Hailey is a really good girl maybe little bit stubborn but hey i'm not judging." Caitlin starts tapping her index finger on the desk, Barry pays special attention to that action for some reason. "I can't give you an actual opinion Barry, do what you think it's right. Oh and if you do go to the date, you should give her daisies i heard that those are her favorites." Barry nods although he know that, Caitlin gets up and as she walks away she pats Barry's shoulder. "Just don't screw it up" She smiles taking her coat and walking away.

"I will try not to" Barry mumbles.

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