Team lightskin vs Team darkskin

496 29 16

Well this topic has been raining for like centuries since like slavery time honestly and my question is WHY? I mean it makes no sense because honestly it doesn't matter. Now adays media is trying to sell that lighter skin is better than darker skin and to me it's like umm no because I know some fine dark beautiful women and handsome men like for example idris Elba dark but sexy as hell to and all the people who don't know who that is I give you five seconds to search him up ..5..4..3..2..1 did you see him sexy right lol but another example for a dark beautiful person Grabriele Union she is extremely beautiful, and if your reading this your probably like she just like dark people umm honey no that's not it because I'm a light child well I'm mixed but whatever that's a different topic but my light skinned people are beautiful too but NOT superior. My opinion is that all black people are beautiful, and I hate when you guys get mad about racism but your kind of doing it to your selves by selecting the ones that are lighter in color to be superior just cut it out please it's not cute. I mean you don't see white people talking about team tan and team pale as fuck so why are you doing that please just stop it, and to all the girls who think they don't look

good because they are dark no sweetheart smile because you are beautiful.

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