Chapter 16

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As Tesayne and I finished up with packing the last of our supplies for the journey ahead, I looked up at the enormous gray castle, for what I believed, would be my last time.

I could see, up in the east wing's second floor beveled-paned windows, the three Ancient Vampires staring down at Tesayne and I.
Beside them in all her ethereally youthful beauty, the vampire child Leigh watching us as well. Their warm smiles showing on their flawlessly pale faces with appreciation for the task I was willing to take on, on their behalf, so that they could live their lives in peace with the knowledge their kind wasn't going to be under constant threat by other creatures of this Realm.

I grinned and waved a farewell. Tesayne turned, noticing my gesture and glanced up to do the same.
"Alright beauty, you ready to roll?" asked Tesayne, breaking the spell-like feeling I always kept getting when in the presence of the Ancients.
"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I answered with a bit of melancholy in my voice. I was feeling just a little hesitant, leaving the safety of the castle. "Let's do this Tesayne!" I smiled with phony enthusiasm, of which I wasn't really feeling at this moment, showing a shot of my new vamp fangs for emphasis.
"Alright! After you, your Vampness!" Tesayne teased, bowing at the waist and opening the impeccably shined horse drawn carriage door for me to enter.
"Oww!" Tesayne complained after I punched him teasingly on his shoulder for his wisecracking gesture. "That hurt! You forget your new super strength!" He continued, ribbing his shoulder as if I hit him with a cinderblock instead of only my closed fist.
"Oh come on! I didn't hit you THAT hard! Don't be such a girl Tesayne." I laughed and hopped into the warm comfort of the carriage.
Tesayne loosened his furrowed brows and smirked.
"Just be careful beautiful. You have no idea how strong you are now." Tesayne jumped up onto the carriage's driver bench, reached down and picked up the double horse reigns, cracking them once sharply.
"Gittup!" The carriage began moving at a nice, slow pace. I looked back at the castle, noticing Leigh and the Ancients were no longer watching our departure. I figured they went down to their daytime resting in the bowels of the castle where their crypts held the native soil of their homeland until the sun makes its nightly descent.
"So Long." I whispered to them in my mind. Now that I too, am a vampire of their Ancient bloodline, I knew in my heart that they heard my good-bye. I sighed, closed my eyes and relaxed back in my seat. Allowing the plush velvet of the carriage seat enfold me in its lush comfort.
Soon I fell into a deep sleep, as dark gray storm threatening clouds began filling in the sky menacingly.

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