#98 Inportant note

116 13 2

Hey guys!

Now I just want to say Thank you for all the support to this book. I mean I'm ( no WE ) are about to hit #100 and we already got 1.96k and I'm just so grateful for that.

Now the reason I'm doing this Note is cos...

I want this book to be a little more fun, cos I mean I want you guys to enjoy this book and I want you guys to be happy. Cos if your happy then I'm happy ( cos then I get more views (^∇^)) hehe

No but seriously I want this book to be more fun. Cos quotes after quotes can get a little boring. So I've tried themes and stuff and i want something a little fun.

Like contests or something. So pls ( if u want ) go in the comments ( or pm ) and give some me ideas that I can do to make this more fun.

So that's it I hope u guys have a great day.


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