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one week.

yura had managed to live and survive living with hoseok for one long mother fucking week.
how? she does not know.

hoseok was an awful guy to live with, so it was a surprise when she came back home with him to find his roommate, who had arrived back home from holiday, sprawled across the living room couch sleeping with only half his clothes on.

hoseok happened to have gained some nasty bad habits over the years as he lived away from home. and as time passed, yura managed to unearth all of them, just as yoongi did when he moved in.

yoongi had now proved to be immune to hoseoks bad habits as he was either always working, eating or sleeping. or all simultaneously. yoongi was full of surprises after all.

one of the down sides of living with hoseok was the fact that he doesn't believe in heating, meaning that yura virtually lived in the freezing cold with only pot noodles to keep her warm whilst hoseok pranced around the apartment in fucking shorts.

sometimes even in short shorts which blinded yura essentially.

yes, the man had a good pair of thighs on him and a nice butt, but yura didn't need the distraction of hoseok's god almighty honey thighs.

his presence in general was a distraction. the man didn't even know how to be quiet, no wonder his neighbours had called the cops three times on hoseok in the past for 'disruption', as yura had been told by yoongi himself.

hoseok had always portrayed himself as such a stud but when in reality, he was an absolute knob.


hoseok screeched from the kitchen. yura meanwhile was sprawled over the toilet lid in the bathroom as she had been experiencing horrifying morning sickness for the past week.

somehow she had managed to hide the fact from hoseok, and yoongi was basically too unconscious all the fucking time to notice.

"stupid fred, existing and all."

she muttered to herself before heaving into the toilet bowl yet again that morning.


he screamed. or sung? she had no idea. it sounded awful, she could say that at the least.

hoseok searched the apartment for her, whilst doing so, discovering yoongi sleeping on the balcony with a bacon sandwich on his face. he had obviously fallen asleep whilst eating such treat.

hoseok found the wrapper that the sandwich was originally in and scoffed in disgust.

"I still can't believe I'm living with a fucking douche. who even likes in-n-out?"

he tutted, wiping some ketchup on yoongis face which had happened to be leaking out from his sandwich.

he smiled triumphantly at his creation as he had managed to draw a ketchup moustache and a penis on his hyung's face.

hoseok then remembered his mission to find yura and immediately was on the hunt for her again. the sound of someone gagging caught his attention as he ran towards the sounds in the bathroom.

the door was slightly ajar and hoseok peaked at yura between the gap. she was throwing up and looked like absolute shit which was a shame. he had always thought that yura was pretty.

that had pretty much changed as he saw her vomit into the toilet bowl again.

he then took it as his cue to intervene with the situation, but not before holding his nose with his hand to block out the unpleasant smell.

he called.

hoseok had never felt such pity for someone in all his life. the look yura gave him as she looked up at him from her place on the bathroom floor honestly broke his heart slightly.

he hated the thought of yura being hurt or being in any kind or form of pain ever. just the thought of yura wanting to resort to hurting herself like the day hoseok met her one week ago hit him like a brick.

he couldn't let that happen. he needed to help her. to be there for her in any way which was physically possible.

"yura, I think it's time we take you back to the hospital."

he spoke, his voice sounding funny as his hand was still covering his nose like the over dramatic bitch he was.

she groaned in response and lied down onto the cold bathroom tiles, clutching her stomach slightly as she began to cry.


—silent readers wyd </3

this story is set in korea by the way, it's just that i barely know any korean food or franchises, resulting in the references of american fast food franchises

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