Horror Beyond Imagine

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We drive a bit down the road, we're away from the camp now and I can't even look back to see it. 

"Next right you gotta turn, this place isn't that far away. But I don't think it'll be the best idea to drive into the parking lot." Jim says, watching the road for walkers.

"You said you were looking up at this place before and there were a shit ton of walkers?" He nods his head. "Well, how do you think they all ended up here?" 

He looks at me. "Well, like I said, this is a warehouse that's got an abundance of things. Most of those walkers probably ended up there, because they believed they could get there hands on supplies easily." 

I turn down the road, a few more miles down I see the building. So I quickly make another right turn so that it'll take us to the road leading behind the warehouse. We get closer and closer to the warehouse, I begin to see more and more walkers appear. I quickly turn off the lights and slowly approach the warehouse. We stop the car and turn it off a little bit back away from the warehouse.

I look over at Jim, taking off his seat belt. "Do you think we can get any closer?"

"If we get any closer, they'll spot us and we'll have an even bigger problem on our hands. If we can take a bit of them out, we could get closer." He looks over to me, I can sense the fear in his eyes. I'm in fear as much as he is, we've got to get this done, but we've also got people back at camp waiting for our arrival. 

"You think we can do it?" I ask.

"There's only about 6 or 7 walkers out here, as long as we use the axe and crowbar, we should be fine. Then we can drive the car right out back, load as much shit as we can, and get back to the camp." Jim says.

"I'm ready whenever you are." I say, smirking.

"Let's do it then." Smirking right back, he swings the car door open, gets out, and slams it shut again.

I do the same, both of us run towards the zombies. The first is mine, I swing and hit him straight on in the head. Jim gets the zombies that's about to bite me, swinging his crowbar to collide with the zombies forehead. I take the axe out of the dead walker, swing it, hitting another walker's leg and watching it drop to the ground. I turn around, swing my axe and hit a walker dead on in the eye, blood is going every where. I even see the inside of one of the walkers that are crawling towards us.

Jim brings the crowbar down onto the head of one of the walkers that are laying down. The last walkers I see is a bigger one, bigger than any of the other walkers I've seen, he's missing an arm and there's a gaping hole in his stomach. He uses his good arm and knocks Jim to the ground, I run at the walkers and bring my axe up, swinging like a mad man. I cut the walker's head clean off and watch as it's body collides with the floor.

"Thanks." Jim says, as I'm helping him to his feet.

"Couldn't let you die Jim. You saved my life, it's about time I saved yours." I say.

"Yeah. A nice way to look at it." He says, laughing. "I guess that's it, I don't see anymore walkers. So, let's get that car up here."

I throw him the keys. "I'm gonna go check inside, see if there are any walkers."

"Alright, I'll try to hurry up then." He chuckles, then starts walking towards the car. 

I walk inside, it's a pretty big building. The poster show that there 6 different wings, then the upstairs contains the offices and some other rooms. Things stacked sky high in here, so much piled on top of each other and it all looks like it's going to come crashing down. But it's all together pretty good and won't fall over. I don't see anything moving, but this is only one wing, everything is separated into different wings. I'm in the wing that contains all of the electrical appliances, which are completely worthless now.

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