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I've been running for a while, I've only got a couple of bullets left for the pistol. I don't know how far or how long I've been running, but I just keep running, there's still about 5 or 6 walkers on my trail. I notice a building up ahead, stop behind it to catch my breath and swipe away the sweat beading from my head. I can hear them, coming closer and closer, craving for my flesh. I turn from out around the corner, pull my pistol up and shoot what I have left, I hit 3 of them dead on in the forehead. The other two I hit in the arm and in the leg, the one that's hit in the leg falls.

"Shit, dry out." I say out loud, taking the clip out of the pistol. I take my axe and swing at the walker that's still coming towards me, I strike him clean in the head and watch as his lifeless and rotting body falls to the ground in a heap. I pull my axe out of the walker's head, look over at the other walker. It's attempting to get up and move closer to me, but it can't, it's trapped and hopeless. I start to think that I shouldn't kill something helpless, but then I realize, these things wouldn't even think close about sparing us. So I start to swing the axe back and let it come full speed towards the walkers, chopping it's head clean off.

I just sit with my back against the wall, trying to regain energy. I sit there for a little while, just listening and watching the outside world. I start to look at it as though nothing was different, I mean everything's so nice outside and unharmed. But I think of the things that have happened over the course of the last few days and realize that nothing will ever be the same. That's when I hear something.... A voice? I quickly turn my head in both directions, looking for the source of the voice, but no one is there.

"Micheal, can you hear me?" I hear the voice again, it sounds muffled.

That's when I remember the walkie-talkie I still had in my back pocket. I quickly reach for it and pull it out, push down the button to let me talk. "Yeah, yeah. I can hear you! Who is this?" I ask, in a rushed voice.

"It's nice to hear from you Micheal. Are you okay?" The voice asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay with the situation given. But who is this and how do you know my name, your voice doesn't sound one in which I have heard over the last few days." I say.

"Well, that's the thing. I'm not with you, I'm somewhere safe and you know me." 

I pause and think, but I can't really recall who it could be. "Wait, somewhere safe? Is anything happening there?!" 

"No, it's completely safe. No one's trying to bite anyone here. No infection, nothing."

"Can we get to you? I've got my sister and a group of good people with me, we're trying to survive." I say, kind of excited and exhausted.

"I'd like that kid, but it can't happen." I pause when I fully realize who the voice is, it's.... Phil. 

"Phil...?" I ask, my hands are shaking like crazy by now. He died, he was killed by the walkers. I saw it and Grace saw it, No! No, this can't be happening. "No, Phil, I didn't mean to leave you. Th-They got you! There... there was no w-way for me to... to get to you, you were g-g-gone...." I'm trembling with fear, I don't know what's going on, but I know this can't be real. It's my mind, it's playing a trick on me. I slam the walkie-talkie to the ground, it doesn't break right away, so I jump to my feet and starting crashing my axe on it. It smashes into a bunch of pieces.

I can feel the tears coming down my face, I just brush them away with my sleeve and then sit back down. I just sit there, thinking of how Phil died. That's when I hear something, I quickly turn to my right and see a walker approaching. I jump to my feet and pull my axe up to me, I turn towards the walker and as it gets closer I see... "No, no, absolutely not!" I think to myself. It's Phil, but it's not really him, it's the walker Phil. But I don't know if it's real or just in my mind, but I can't focus, I just swing for the head and the axe crashes into the walker's head. Blood gets on my shirt, I look down at it, but look right back up.

Always Running From The End Of DaysWhere stories live. Discover now