Brugmansia sanguinea

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Lizabetta Griscoe turned her head as Jillian and Kristopher enter her spacious living room. Jillian introduced herself and Kristopher. Lizabetta graciously replied, 

"It's very nice to meet you two. I've heard of your travels."

Kristopher's relaxed face turned into a shy smile as he held Jillian by her waist.

"Yes, we've done quite a bit in our lives, and I can see us doing more together until we've done enough."

Lizabetta's aged face brightened as she congratulated the couple on their marriage. Jillian and Kristopher smile at each other and graciously accepted Lizabetta's admirable congratulations. Lizabetta assumed a thoughtful and calculating expression; after a few moments of warm scrutiny, she made the most miniscule of head tilts as she walked away to a corner of her living room, as guests had started to flood inside. Lizabetta's bodyguards follow them at a reasonable pace.

Lizabetta bent close to their faces as she told them information and intelligence on the plans for the fate of the young generation. Kristopher and Jillian were horrified, and they bristled on how any sort of leader would suggest such cruelty and torment.

From where the world leaders stood, the younger generation would be used to test a top secret American medicine that could cause human cells to age at a vastly slower rate, thus prolonging existence. As long as the leaders could live, then they could rule their countries. However, there was a hidden agenda that they didn't want even Lizabetta to know- they wanted to make their cells so strong that nothing could harm them. Any damaged cells could revive themselves, and rejuvenate.

Lizabetta wanted to sabotage their attempts at becoming invincible to any attack; if they couldn't be harmed and couldn't be stopped, then they could do whatever they pleased and couldn't be punished for it. Kristopher and Jillian agreed with Lizabetta, knowing that she was quietly telling them that they must kill the world leaders. Only then could peace be achieved.


The Kiddo walked into Lizabetta Griscoe's lavish party. She had stopped along the way to put on the uniform most people wear to a party, She looked cold and beautiful in a long black dress. She had placed dark eyeliner around her lovely green eyes, and placed her hair in a wispy bun. Her eyes bulged when she saw the amount of guests packed into one dining room, wondering how they could all fit in there. 

Screar looked for her target, scanning the cavernous room filled with falsely happy people and their razor teeth. As her eyes scanned the snobby faces, one particular face caught her eye. A woman in a lovely pink dress had Screar's face, and she wondered why. Screar tentatively walked towards the woman, a silent wraith in the midst of a rambunctious party. As she neared the lady, she saw her target conversing with her and a man that accompanied the woman at her side. Screar stiffened and failed to fight the instinctive urge to crouch.

As Screar fell to the floor, she caught Lizabetta's eye. Kristopher and Jillian followed where Lizabetta curiously glanced. Lizabetta wondered aloud who she was.

"I'm not sure," Jillian replied, "however she is pretending to have dropped something. Kristopher, go and see what is the matter." Jillian commanded. Kristopher gestured that he understood.

While Kristopher made his way to Screar, Screar slowly stood up and tried in vain to scout out the toilet house. But just as her eyes finally discovered the toilet house's location, Kristopher touched her arm. "Excuse me miss, are you quite alright?" Kristopher politely asked as Screar spun around with a panicked look in her eyes. Kristopher looked at Screar with civil concern, that instantly turned into a look of utter astonishment as his eyes connected with her face.

Screar looked at the man gaping like a fish.

"Yes, I am quite alright. Can I be of assistance to you in some way?" Screar snapped, eyebrows raised. Kristopher pursed his lips.

"Yes you can, actually." Kristopher muttered.

"You can follow me."

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