Ch. 10: Under The Stars

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April 7th 7:30pm

After a few hours of quietly exploring the area, and gathering more stones and firewood, we finally sit by the fire and Jack begins to light it caveman style.

"You're sure you know how to do this?" I ask sitting crisscross on the ground.

"No, but I mean how hard can it be? It'll be like cast away but with less blood."

"I'll believe it when I see it." I giggle a little bit and watch as he continues to try making fire.

After what felt like an hour, a spark finally emerges and the bonfire is lit.

"DO YOU SEE THAT!?" He yells jumping up and down, "I DID THAT!"

"Yes! Yes you did!" I stand up and high five him so hard my hand stings but that's okay.

We both laugh and sit back down next to each other and stare at the fire.

"Thank you again, for everything." I look away from the fire and over at him.

"Of course, it was my pleasure." He looks over at me and we make eye contact then quickly look away.

"This needs music I'll be right back." He gets up and jogs in the direction towards the car.

"Oh, umm okay." Surprised, that's all that comes out of my mouth.

I wrap myself tightly with his sweatshirt and watch the flames of the wild fire.

Man, it even smells a little like him.

I'm in trouble aren't I. Yeah.

My stomach flips at what I'm thinking, what am I going to do when I get to Hans? What if he does propose? I say yes right? I mean I've known him for almost 5 years now, I just met Jack yesterday. But, there's something about this guy.

"Okay, I'm back." He comes through into the clearing with a big grin on his face and his guitar case in hand.

"You're actually going to play?!" I excitedly look at him as he comes and sits down next to me.

"Yeah! I mean why not right?" He pulls it out of the case and begins to strum a little bit. Instantly I recognize the song.

I begin to lightly sing when I find the right part of the song.

"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you. By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do. I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you know." I finish my little part and he stops.

"You know this song?" He looks surprised.

"Yeah! It's one of my favorites." I look down at the ground and tuck my hair behind my ears.

"Mine too! I-I mean yeah it's pretty good. You know, you have a really nice voice."

"Thank you."

Please don't be blushing right now.

"You should sing a song to me, I would like to hear your voice."

"Ha, umm okay. I'll do another one of my favorites. I'm just going to do the chorus though."

He begins to play something that I don't recognize but it sounds like it'll be good.

"They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need, please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken. But I swear that I'll never leave. Please stay forever with me." His voice is beautiful. It's deeper but pure, and when he hits the high notes it sends chills down your spine it's so perfect.

"W-wow, you're amazing. What song is that?" I ask trying to stay casual.

"It's called If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn, by Sleeping With Sirens, the acoustic version though."

"I love it." We are now making eye contact once again. Except this time, it's for longer. We just keep looking at each others deep, blue eyes that sparkle in the light of the fire.

Is his face getting closer to mine?

It begins to feel as if I'm leaning in. My eyes begin to close just as his do. My heart racing and stomach filling with butterflies.

Is this happening right now?

I can feel us getting closer and closer.

I want to but I have to be loyal.

"Wait." I blurt opening my eyes seeming that we are about 3 inches away from meeting lips.

"I-I'm sorry, I. You are with someone and I, don't know what I was dining." Jack backs up and places his guitar in its case.

"No no, it's umm okay, I a-almost did it too." We look at each other for a split second then it goes silent.

"W-we should get some shut eye. Do you have anything we could use to put out the fire?" I ask avoiding any more eye contact.

"I'll go check in the trunk, you can go ahead and head back and get in the car. Night."

"Night, Jack." I quietly say as I head back to the car, get in the back, and lay down, staring at the roof of the car.

No no no no. Idiot!

He comes to the car a little bit later to check the back for something to put water in to put out the flames. I watch as the light from the fire goes out. The leaves and twig's crumbles begin to grow louder and he walks around to the drivers side of the car, gets in, tilts the seat back so the head of the seat is close to touching my toes. Without a word, we fall asleep after what felt like forever.

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