Ch. 3: Early Landing

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April 5, 10:40pm

"Attention all passengers," I look up from my book and over to Jack who is out cold. "We are going to experience some air pockets due to the storm ahead so be prepared. Thank you." The intercom switches off and my stomach flips.

Some what?

Suddenly the plane drops a little bit.

"Oh my lord." I say as I grab onto the arm rests. Jack wakes and looks around with wildness/tiredness in his bright eyes.

"What on earth is going on?" He asks me.

"Approaching a storm. Air pockets." I manage to get out before we hit another, bigger one.

"I am sorry folks but it looks like we are going to have to land in Wayne, Nebraska due to the largeness of the storm. I am terribly sorry folks."

What? No no no.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Jack's voice fills with rage along with other passengers.

"Nope. Not joking." I begin to feel the plane go down. Not like in a crash but gradually to land.

"We don't need your snarkiness, princess."

Why does he keep calling me that?!

"Look, I'm just as annoyed as you are." I glance over at him with snarkiness written all over my face.

The plane becomes lower and lower to the ground. I'm not totally for sure though because I cannot see out of my window due to the storm.

It must be a huge storm.

I think to myself. Finally, we land then begin to slow down.

Thank goodness. I can get off of here and figure out what I'm going to do.

After about 30 minutes we land and begin to file out of the plane.

"Well, so long princess." He sticks out his hand for me to shake, which I do.

"Again. Elsa." I walk past him and to the front desk.

"Please everyone, calm down. The storm has become very big and had canceled or moved many different flights. Your flight has been moved to tomorrow so if you wish you may spend the night here til we get things settled.

I walk over to baggage claim and grab my suitcase, then back over to the plane's seating area. I open up the suitcase and grab a sweater I had packed, then wrap it around my little travel bag and lay across the chairs to try to get some sleep.

Right before I am about to doze off, a familiar voice awakens me. "Sleepy princess."

My eyes shoot open to find Jacks big eyes staring down at me. "What do you want? It's almost 11:30 and I am tried."

I shut my eyes again and listen to him talk, "alright, alright, grumpy princess."

I am too tired for this.

Before I could say my name one more time, I doze off.

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