Ch. 4: Roadtrip?

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April 6th, 7:45am

"Attention all those flying to Kentucky, I am sorry to say your flight has been canceled due to the storm outside. We will be refunding your flight. We are terribly sorry folks."

What a wonderful way to start the day.

I sit up in the airport chairs and look outside the window watching the raindrops smack against the window and the wind making the flags fly violently.

I can't miss our anniversary in New York. How am I going to get there though? Oh, I should probably text Hans about what's going on.

Hey, looks like my flight has been canceled, so I'll figure out a way to get over, love you and hopefully see you soon.

I click send then look up at the tv to see what the weather would be like.

Huh, the storm is all over the states Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Illinois. Some storm, what am I going to do?

I begin to walk over to a Starbucks when I hear Jack on the phone.

"Yeah, I don't know man this storm is crazy here, are you having these troubles at home? No? Wow lucky duck. I know I don't want to wait here til the storm passes over but everything is closed. That's true. It maybe fun too. Yeah, I'll probably just do that. It may not be the most efficient way to travel, or cheapest, but oh well. Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye man."

Should I see what his plan is? He could probably take me to wherever he lives and take a plane from there. I don't like him though he's so arrogant and dumb. Oh well, I have to get to New York.

"Hey Jack!" I yell to him and begin to speed walk over with my suitcase following behind me.

"Yes princess?" He turns around and asks with a little bit of annoyance.

"How did you say you were getting home?"

"Ummm, I'll probably end up renting a car. Why?" He puts his hand on top of his head and moves his silvery hair around.

"Is there a possibility, I could ride with you?" I begin to say.

"I barely know you." Was all he said back.

"I know I don't care for it much either, but I'll help pay and I really need to get to New York, I'll go with you to wherever you live and try to take a plane up to New York."

"Why don't you just go by yourself?"

"I don't have to deal with the rental car stuff, it'll be easier to ride with you, plus it'll be cheaper for you."

"You're really going to pay me to take you." He looks at me with some uncertainty.

"Yep! Name your price I'm desperate."

He gives a little smirk which makes me a little nervous, "Five hundred."

"Four fifty and you got a deal." I reach my hand to make the deal.

"Wait your serious?" He kind of chuckles, then shakes my hand,"Geez you really are desperate princess."

"Again, it's Elsa." I say to him but he obviously isn't paying any attention.

"That's awesome, I'll go ask them for a car to rent, you sit right here and don't wonder off." He gives me a thumbs up then walks off.

"Pft. I'm not a 5 year old." I mumble as I grab my suitcase and walk over to a Starbucks. "Hi, can I get a Caramel Macchiato please? Thank you." I say to the Starbucks employee as I take out my wallet and pay. Then I pull out my phone as I wait for my drink.

"Elsa? Elsa! There you are!" I look up with a smirk seeing Jack walk over in his black skinny jeans and darker blue sweatshirt. Oh boy does he look angry.

"You actually said my name!" I say calmly grabbing my drink from the employee. "Thank you."

"I told you not to wander off! To sit tight and I would be right back."

"I know. I didn't wander off I knew very well where I was going."

"Very funny, I have the car now let's move." He begins to speed walk out to the parking lot. I follow behind basically jogging trying to catch up.

"Wait, could you slow down a little-." We come to a stop in front of the car we are taking. "We're taking that?" I ask when he walks over to talk to the car guy.

"It's perfect, thank you." Jack takes the keys to the old little Subaru. He unlocks it and puts his black suitcase in, along with what looks to be a guitar case, then begins to walk to the drivers seat. I wait there for a second hoping he would be a gentlemen and put my suitcase in the back but I put mine in anyway then walk to the passenger seat.

I close the door to the small car and watch as he starts up the engine. "Ahhh, listen to it purr."

"Oh yeah, so nice." I say with a hint of sarcasm.

"What? It's a nice car, four wheel drive, somewhat spacious, plus it was the only one they had left." He puts the car in reverse, then drive and we are off.

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