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The hallways were bright as ever with the light coming in from the huge glass windows. Everyone was talking to each other in each of their little friend groups. It was almost perfectly set up for a dance number to happen at any minute. I walked passed the people and got into my first classroom only to find someone had left a letter on my desk.

The envelope was a rose pink with darker hearts dotted across diagonally. I opened it up only to pull out an index card that read "You free Saturday?" I was oddly confused at who could've left this but then I looked over to the front of the class to see Amy, the most beautiful girl in the entire school, looking at me and turning around quickly, her face slightly flushed. I couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable she was. Although she was well liked by everyone, Amy was a very shy girl. It was cute in it's own way.

I looked back at the message in my hand and got to work. Sitting down at my desk, I pulled out a piece of paper and starting folding with great speed and extreme accuracy. I felt like a ninja, folding the paper to my will.

The first bell rang and I leaned back admiring my work. Right before the teacher walked in, I threw my paper arial craft straight into Amy's gorgeous hair and it landed perfectly in the side. She panicked at the feeling of something touching her head and started to freak out until she noticed the crashed vehicle. She looked at me with a face of embarrasment and laughed a little bit. God, no wonder everyone likes this girl.

I watched her open it up and read my message and I could tell she was happy by the way her head turned right around with a huge smile on her face. The teacher called her out and she had that face of embarrasment again as she turned and started paying attention again.

"Sounds great. Tell me more at lunch." That was my response. Simple. Sweet. Full of detail. And it also gave me a reason to talk to that wonderful angel.

Lunch rolled in around 11:30 and there I was, apple in hand and looking for Amy. Of course my brother was sleeping at a table with a bunch of girls around him, giggling and playing with his hair. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous his face looked. Then, she showed up.

"Hey, Andrew!" Her black glasses matched her beautiful hair with grace. She wore a black knit sweater with a navy blue skirt that looked stunning on her. She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the front doors. We plopped down on a bench and ate our lunch. Well, she didn't have anything so I gave her my apple.

After she was finished, she looked me in the eyes, her full of wonder and eagerness. "So about this Saturday. Wanna go watch a movie with me? There's one that I've been waiting to come out for years and I have no one else to go with. Pleeeeeaaaase?" For someone so shy in public, she was really outgoing around me. Her voice was calming and almost demanding. But who could ever turn down such a wonderful girl?

"Sure thing! When do you wanna meet up?" I smiled at her and felt my heart trying to break out of my body. I could hardly contain myself.

"7 o' clock in front of the movie theatre. And don't even think about showing up late." Amy gave a pouty face with her cheeks puffed up like a child. I fell off the bench laughing at how cute she was and in an instant she starting laughing herself. This is bliss. This is what people only dream of getting. This is what love should feel like.

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