wattpad broke

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I am so sorry the last update is so pitiful. I am so disappointed in myself. But I have a reason why my last update was so bad; I couldn't fix it, I  couldn't update it, I couldn't read on it, because my phone crashed my wattpad for five whole days. I couldn't log in to my wattpad, I went crazy, I was like "OMG MY READERS ARE GOING TO HATE ME AHHHHA THEY HATE ME, I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN EIGHT DAYS, WHY DO THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO ME, WHY" *ME ON MY KNEES IN THE MIDDLE OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL YELLING AT  THE TOP OF MY LUNGS* Because I did that when it crashed and I couldn't get back on . My day was ruined because it didn't stop there I had a brilliant idea ,I get home wait for my brother to get home after his school and take his phone and check my Wattpad to see if I could possibly log in from his phone I grabbed his phone and tell him hold on I gotta check something I go on to the Wattpad just to see and guess what there is a half finished story updated on my page I was like no this is not happening to me right now not only Wattpad is not working for me but it updated what I was working on. its like all spelled incorrect and it was like poop oh my god I was like on the floor crying and my brother was like what ,My wattpad crashed and I can finish the story and It posted a unfinished story and I am dying here and he said its not that bad your reads well forgive you I was not buy it I said NO they will never like me .so I hope you guys can forgive me and I promise the next one is going to be a wall of text because it was supposed to cover for the unfinished one that I can't update . My wattpad is back to normal but I can't get on to edit the one that was uploaded without my permission I am going to continue it on chapter 5 so I hope you guys like it . I'm so sorry I was crying I'm sorry so I guess that's it I hope you guys can forgive me for my Wattpad crashing on me I'm really sorry the next one will cover the black of words for the last one I am so sorry i I feel like its my fault I don't know what to do I can't fix it and if you don't know I am so obsessed with this and I want it to be perfect but I guess that just broke me It's not perfect no more but I hope you guys can forgive me and I feel so bad for letting you down because I love a good story and I know people like a good story and wait for me to post and I just post a piece of writing that probably came form the bottom of my shoes yay that's it for now love you guys see you in the next one love you guys so much
- lilylovepuppy03

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