Chapter 2

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I see you decided to join me now let get on with the story

I walk though the forest hold on to my sword I put on my head to toe armor because I don't know who I'm going to bump into. I walk around the forest unite I saw tons of broken up house on the horizon. I made my way to the house, hoping someone would be there. I made it to the houses. I walk down the path of the once village. I thought it was abandoned unite I hear,
?= shut up he is going to hear us.
(I turn around and made my voice deeper for who ever is there not to now my gender)

A=I heard you, look just come out I'm not going to hurt but if you try something I well give what I said a second thought

Then I two guys came out from behind a house
The guys wore full armor.
Then one for them took his helmet off
?= I can't handle It, it smells like sweat
He walks up to me and stick out his hand and says..
?=hey I'm Laurence and this is Garroth
(Garroth takes his helmet off)
I shake his hand then take off my helmet
A= my name is aphmau nice to meet you too
(The two guys widened there eyes in shock Laurence backed up so far he fell)
G=nothing I just thought you were a guy
A= and does that make a difference
L= yay lady are not suppose armor or have a sword
A= wow so lady's are suppose to act helpless and always be depending on a guys to protect them
L= well yay
A= if I would of depended on a guy I would have been long gone
A= now tell me where your lord I would like to talk it
G= we don't have a lord
A= you guys are not guards
G= we were
A = oh my lords gone too I was with her tell her vary last breath
L= look its get dark and I assume you don't have a place to spend the night so why don't you come to the guard station and we can talk there
A= sure
(Then I follow the guys to a house made of stone bricks)
L= welcome to the guard station
G= make yourself at home
A= wow this is just like the one In my old village
L= wait what you slept in a place like this
A= yay why
G=Laurence Is still prosecuting the fact that you are guard
A=okay well yay I slept in a guard station like this but mine was way bigger
L= was there other girl guard
A= no
L= wait so you shared a house with guy
A=yup it wasn't much of a change I grow up with 4 brother I was the baby of the family so I was daddy's little princess so he didn't want me to attend the guard service but I did anyways there was a best decision I have made in my life I got to protect the ones I love
G=yay I see
L= who's hungry
G= ME I have ate since breakfast
(Garroth jumps over the couch and runs over to the table then looks at me)
G= are you coming?

Wow it feels go to be back sorry for the long wait I had a project to do I hope you like its love you all

Whats going to happen next

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