I Keep Coming Home

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Reader's POV

I stood there at a distance, just watching the body be engulfed by the flames. Tears breaking the barriers and leaving wet trails. Left empty inside, with an echoing pain. Lost. Alone. Scared.

He was gone. I wasn't there. I hate myself for not being there. I didn't get to say goodbye. He was the only family I had left, and I wasn't there! These are the consequences you pay, when you leave them behind.

I'm sorry Bobby! I'm sorry. Don't leave me Daddy. Not yet.

Bobby came busting in my bedroom door as soon as I screamed for him
"What is sweetheart, what's making you scared?"
"The monster, he says he's gonna hurt me!" I cried. Bobby turned around looking around the room, finding nothing.
"Y/N, sweetie, there's nothing here... was it another nightmare" nodding, he came to sit beside me, tucking me back into bed. Promising to stay with me, forever.


I sat shotgun in the car, holding my bag close tight to my chest. Looking out the window, watching houses go by. Full of emotions, but excitement and anxiety showed the most. We grew closer to the place each passing minute, I was told it would help me grow up and understand everything more. School.

The car suddenly started to slow down as Bobby parked outside the gates. There it stood, another place for adventures. I didn't want to go I'd be leaving my dad by himself all day.

"Y/N, honey. You gotta go, I gotta get back and manage the phones. Also gotta get things sorted out for the boys, coming round later. You'll be fine. Now go, have fun, just don't kill anyone." He chuckled.

"Dean and Sammy staying for a while?" I ask curiously. They were both like older brothers to me. Dean the bad-ass big brother and Sammy the one who'd spend most time with me.

"You and them Winchester boys, yes. They'll be there when I come pick you up alright? Now go"

Leaving the car even happier than before, I ran towards the school. New adventures awaiting me. But before on entering, I stopped and looked back seeing him still there, smiling just as much as I was.

I walked home thinking of every memory I have of my dad, leaving his body burning peacefully. Letting the pictures play in my head, I didn't know my feet had taken me on the correct path.

I say I walked home. I didn't go back to my little dingy apartment. I went to dad's house.

I walked through the maze of cars. Remembering all the times the Winchesters and I would run through them, when dad taught me to shoot, when dad let me help out on the cars. Remembering my first attempt to run away...

The phones would just not stop ringing, they kept going. Dad was getting stressed, this had been the same for days. I felt like dad was ignoring me.

"Not know Y/N. Now's not a good time!" he growled
"It's never a good time!" I shouted "The phones are always going off, and whenever I go to just talk to you or offer help or anything, one goes off. You answer them more, than you notice me! I bet you wouldn't notice if I left in the dead of the night!"
"Don't you dare! You know what this house is like –"
"You don't care!" I cut him off
"I do care! I do this to keep you safe!"

I scoff and go towards the front door and pick up my already prepared bag. It held everything I would need: some pie, clothing, my pocket knife and handgun – which was usually kept in my top bedside drawer, in case of emergencies – I opened the door and headed to the start of the road that led the way out.

"Where are you going!? It's too late to be going out now!" My father bellowed across
"I'm leaving! I can't do this!" I shout back over my shoulder, not stopping. That is until I reach the end of the scrap yard.

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