Having Archangels as Brothers #3

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Lucifer and Gabriel had explained everything from the beginning to now, the supernatural, hunters, your parents, they even went as far as to explain why the Winchesters were so important. You had found out that was who was in the apartment earlier. They even told you of past issues, prophecies etc.

You found out that your parents were hunters, the only difference from what is your usual hunter to your parents was that, they were working with and for angels, hence the reason you are with Lucifer and Gabriel now. It also seems at the time, the demon who was going to take you 11 years ago, was working for a rogue demon that was trying to raise some sort of demonic human or something army to gain power. Turns out that things seemed to have gotten worse than they thought as well, he's gained more strength from last time.

"That's a lot to take in..." You breathed out after the angels has finished explaining everything.

"We understand, take your time sugar" Gabriel had soothed, rubbing your back.

"However, this information, it will change your life, now that you understand more than before, you are now more of a target of anything of the supernatural. You understand that you will need to take on training to stay safe." Lucifer spoke, stating the facts. You simply nodded, at the same time it excited you, you would get to carry on the life of your parents, maybe not the route they were on, but something else.

"You will still attend school, education is important. However after school, training starts." You again nodded

"I suppose we should invite dumb and dumber around for dinner" Piped Gabe, not sounding so enthusiastic.

Saturday Morning

You sat in the living room watching TV with the archangels, like you usually do, enjoying the last of what was your normal routine at the weekends, you knew as soon as you met the famous 'Team Free Will' as Gabriel referred them as, earlier. Your normal routine would consist of no more.

As the two powerful celestial beings sat watching TV, you couldn't help but look at the clock in the corner of the screen, counting down the mere seconds of their arrival. You eventually, zoned out just staring at the screen, when three bodies suddenly appeared on your vision, you had freaked, sending yourself over the back of the sofa. With living with two archangels and your best friend being an angel, them popping into your vision never gave you a fright, unless you were zoned out. Immediately you jumped up and started going off on one.

"What the hell! Don't fly in when I'm fucking zoned out assholes! Jesus Christ"

"Language Y/N" Lucifer said at the same time as Gabriel cried out,

"Don't take thy holy child's name in vain Y/N" this caused Lucifer to role his eyes, and you to turn to Gabe.

"Oh is the messenger, feeling protective over his delivery?" you mocked

"I was no midwife, I just gave the news" he feigned a pout

"Cuz that's as far as you'll ever get" you and Luce murmured at the same time, a small smile gracing your lips. Gabriel glaring at the two of you.

"See! She takes after you, all that attitude and snarky remarks, it's no wonder why she gets into so much trouble at school." Gabriel whined

"Oh really? Her eating habits are just as bad as you, always eating sugar, always ending up hyper therefore she gets distracted, hence the trouble at school. She can't focus on tasks, like someone" Lucifer retorted.

"Okay married couple, can we just get this over with" One of the men that had just arrived intervened.

"Yeah, the quicker the better they say. Right. Y/N, big moose here is Sam, shorter one is Dean and this dear brother of ours is Castiel, and all together it's 'Team Free Will' who started the apocalypse." Lucifer grinned. You stood there nodding in greeting, a small smile on your face.

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