~Signs as religious Mama reactions~

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Erm, this is a weird one as I'm running low on the ideas. So, pretend you are a massively religious person and if you are cool. These are exaggerated reactions to Mama which some may find 'controversial' haha mkay

Aries: *Gasps and shakes head with annoyed expression*
Taurus: *Lets out a small gasp and covers their mouth*
Gemini: *Sings along...it's catchy m8*
Cancer: *Is completely offended and disappointed*
Leo: *Listens to the true meaning and realises it's not bad* !!!!!!!
Virgo: *Falls in love with Gerard's voice but pretends to be angry about the lyrics*
Libra: *Has family discussion about it at the dinner table*
Scorpio: *Turns song off and proceeds to heavy breathing*
Sagittarius: *Genuinely likes the song and forgets it's about exposure to hell and fear*
Capricorn: *Stops being religious* (I don't even know)
Aquarius: *Looks up reviews on Internet to see if there are any other fired up religious people*
Pisces: *Thinks about what God's reaction would be*

Sorry if this comes out offensive, I genuinely don't mean it to. I'm just scraping for any ideas that
Come to my head

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