~Signs as Gerard Way quotes~

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Aries: **** everyone who hates you, a smile is the best revenge.
Taurus: This band saves lives.
Gemini: I'm not psychotic, I just like psychotic things.
Cancer: One day your life will flash before your eyes, so make sure it's worth watching.
Leo: You're beautiful the way you are. Keep it ugly.
Virgo: There's something really pure about people that listen to music
Libra: It's okay to be messed up
Scorpio: This **** is easy peasy pumpkin peasy...pumpkin pie mother******!
Sagittarius: Tears are words the heart can't express.
Capricorn: Anything can be art. Anything can be self expression. Now take that weapon and run with it.
Aquarius: I learned to see beauty in everything.
Pisces: Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means that you've decided to look past the imperfections.

These are all amazing!!! Gerard is just...wow. Sorry I prefer not to swear as weak as that may seem :))) don't worry I'm not 6

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