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Chapter 23 ~ Revealed

"I need to tell you guys something," Shinako mumbled, rubbing her arm awkwardly.

The coach was sick today and he expected her to teach them basketball. He doesn't know she doesn't play.

The Shutoku boys stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She picked a basketball that was near her feet and just held it.

"Midori, it's OK if you can't teach us - " Otsubo said but was cut off by Shinako.

"I feel like I've been lying to you guys." She started, clutching the ball tightly. "I hate basketball. But doesn't mean I don't play." They looked confused at what she said. She sighed before getting into a shooting position, Shintaro's shooting position.

They all looked at her with wide eyes as she threw the ball from the three pointer line.

They dropped the basketballs they were holding when it went in.

"Shinako?" Shintaro asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner." She muttered, scratching her arm.

She expected to be angry at her but to her surprise, they started cheering.

"Midori can help us now!"

"Wow! She can shoot three pointers too!"

"Shin-chan! I think she's a better basketball player than you!" I think you know who said that one.

"Urusai, Takao."

Shinako laughed at them before smiling widely.

It's good to have friends isn't it.

"Tsundere carrot~"

Shinako stopped in her tracks. She was about to walk inside the gym to call Shintaro. He stayed there for more practice though Takao wasn't with him. Takao sprained his ankle and Shinako had to tie him to a chair so that he wouldn't go to the gym.

She cracked the door open and saw Shintaro's back. His tall height covering the other person.

"N-no! I'm not a tsundere!" Shintaro retorted, pushing up his glasses.

The person giggled. Shinako's eyes widened as she saw the person's long black hair. A guy wouldn't giggle. Or have long hair.

She let out a gasp. Nii-chan has a girlfriend?! She had to prevent herself from screaming in joy. YAY! I want to meet her!

She burst through the door, startling them.

"HELLO ONII-CHAN'S GIRLFRIEND!" She yelled happily, tackling the girl.

The girl squealed and Shinako wasn't sure if it was happiness or surprise.

"Carrot! You told her about me?" The girl asked with a wide smile.

Shintaro's eyes widened. "Uh - "

"He told me all about you!" Shinako said with a wide grin. You owe me for this nii-chan. "But he said he wouldn't tell me your name until I met you," she added with a pout, glaring at Shintaro.

The girl grinned widely, a blush spreading on her pale cheeks. "AWWW! CARROT! YOUR SISTER IS CUTE!" She said, pinching Shinako's cheeks. "I'm Fukui Kuroai!"


"Eh!" Shinako's eyes widened and she stepped back in surprise. Her head whipped back to Shintaro. "Nii-chan! Why didn't you tell me your girlfriend is the Student Council President?!" She said, crossing her arms and frowning.

I Hate Basketball (Kuroko No Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now