Castiel X Reader - Midnight Wings

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"Cassie, why can't I see your wings?" You were resting on your boyfriend's chest, fiddling with the string of his trench coat when you asked the question. Castiel stopped running his hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair and looked down at you. You looked sad, disappointed that you couldn't see his wings. He ran his hand down your face and said, "Your senses just aren't strong enough, Snowflake. I can describe them if you wish." You sighed, and shook your head. You sat up, lifting off Cas, and turned so you were sitting on the couch normally. You placed your chin in your hands and sorrow filled your (e/c) eyes. You heard the small flap of wings that meant Cas had left and you pulled your knees in. You weren't sure why you were so disappointed about not seeing Cassie's wings, but you were. You stood and walked to your room and lay down, curling into a small ball. You sniffled once, then fell asleep.

    You woke to the sound of wings and a weight on your bed. You opened your eyes and saw Castiel sitting there, stroking your hair. You smiled and he stood up, "Hello, Snowflake." He leaned over and slid his arms under your back and legs, lifting you up.
    "What are you doin, Fly-boy?" He smiled and suddenly you were in a dark field, with the sun setting behind Castiel. He set you down and you jumped to your feet. He took a few steps back and said, "I think I can heighten your senses long enough to show you." You giggled, "Show me what?" He put his head down and beautiful black wings spread out behind him, wrapping slightly forward. The sun filtered through the bottom feathers, turning them brown and you gasped, putting your hands over your mouth. Your eyes filled with tears and you whispered, "Oh, Cas, they're beautiful!" You reached out as he moved one closer and you stroked the silky feathers. Suddenly they disappeared, and you looked at Cas, a look of utter joy and awe on your face. He smiled and said, "You have a strong mind, Snowflake. Now, whenever you want, you can see my wings." You shrieked and ran towards Cas, throwing your arms around his neck.
    "Thank you so much, I love you, Wings!" Cas wrapped his arms around you, and then you felt something else. You smiled into his neck as you felt his wings wrap around you. Those midnight black wings.

A/N I know this sucks, but it is just a little idea I had in my head.

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