Sam x Reader - How You Met

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     You threw your duffel bag in the seat, slid in next to it, and picked up the folded menu. You scanned it, then threw it onto the table. You frowned, burrowing into the seat, as if hoping it would swallow you up, muttering to yourself. "Great, just great. No cash, no job, no place to stay, no food. Can't call Bobby, he got me settled last time. I wonder..." You remembered hearing Bobby talking all about "those Winchester boys" the last time he helped you. Maybe, just maybe, if Bobby trusted them, you could too. You were about to pull your phone out of your pocket when you heard someone clear their throat the next to you.

     You looked up to see a thin man, about your age, 25-ish, looking down at you with obvious disgust. Geez, you'ed only been on the road for a few days, you couldn't be that dirty. He frowned and pulled out an order pad and you sat up, "Oh, I don't want anything, thanks." You gave him a sweet, innocent smile, and hoped he would just walk away. But instead he smirked and snarkily said, "If you don't order anything, you can't stay." You huffed, grabbing your bag out of the seat, and stood. You looked up at him, as he was just a hint taller than you, and loudly said, "Fine, I wouldn't want any of this crap anyway. Last I heard you had rats in the kitchen." You heard a few people gasp and at least one gag. You gave him your best death glare, spun on your heel, and marched out the door.

     Sadly, you didn't get far. You turned to walk down the street. Glancing behind you, watching people leave the restaurant in a hurry, you weren't paying much attention to where you were going. You turned your head around in time to run into a plaid wall. You let out an "oomph" and staggered backwards, then fell onto your butt. Your bag hit the ground next to you and you looked up, and up, and up. When you finally had tilted your head back to the point of it almost falling off, you shaded your eyes and saw, well, a human moose. He had to be at least 6'4", and had shoulder length brown hair. He knelt down and gripped your hands, pulling you up, muttering apologies the whole time. He then picked up your duffel bag and grunted.

     "What on earth is in this thing? Bricks?" You placed your hands on your hips and looked up at the moose man. "That's a great way to treat someone you just practically ran over!" He blushed and apologized again, handing you your bag. He rubbed his neck and said, "Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?" You mentally checked yourself over and nodded. "Nothing a comfy chair and some (fav/flavor) ice cream won't fix." You both laughed and you noticed his beautiful hazel eyes, the same moment he noticed your glittering (e/c) ones. He held his hand out and said, "I'm Sam." You shook his hand, and replied, "(Y/n)."

     "Wait, the hunter? You're Bobby's, um, niece right?" Your eyes widened as you realized who you were talking to. Sam Winchester, the Sam Winchester! You couldn't believe it. You nodded, then started blabbering.

     "Well, actually I'm Bobby's dad's first wife's uncle's step-son's cousin's daughter, but we can just go with niece. He talks about you and Dean all the time, in fact I was just going to have him call you, see if you knew somewhere I can stay. I would ask him, but he's the one that got me the last  place, and that was nice and all, until the boss turned out to be a werewolf.  I knew that he would just tell me to figure it out, but he always talks so highly of you two that I was hoping maybe you would help me, and if not, then I could always just look for a hunt, I mean I totally understand if you don't want to help, I mean, gosh, we just met and we hardly know each other and there's the whole, 'don't-trust-other-hunters' thing that some people have so-mph" you were cut off by Sam putting his hand over your mouth.

     "Woah, (y/n), slow down. You're looking for a place to stay?" You nodded, (h/c) hair swaying. He smiled and pointed down the street. "Me and Dean are staying at the motel down the road. You can stay with us for a while, maybe help with a few hunts. I hear your pretty good." He slowly lowered his hand to reveal your smile. "Thanks, that would be great." Sam took your bag from you and huffed, "Seriously, what is in this thing?" You shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Oh, just salt, guns, knives, holy water, books. Ya know, the essential stuff." You both laughed and started walking towards the motel as he turned to you and said, "I'm glad we ran into each other, (y/n)." You paused, looked up at him and then laughed, "Me too, Sam."

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